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  1. P

    Now, this crap really sucks

    Ah, such are the opinions of those unaccustomed to the life experiences of a babe magnet. Compare this to the 60 million who had not quit drinking after going through AA.
  2. P

    Strippers - my next challenge

    Sounds as if #41, KontrollerX, persistent exaction, roman god, DJDamage, and backbreaker all have been thoroughly rejected by strippers. I always have lots of fun with strippers.
  3. P

    Now, this crap really sucks

    In a writing class I might have lost a couple of points over that little oversight. Backbreaker would have failed and most likely be unaware as to what he did wrong.
  4. P

    What does it really come down to when you are on the top of the game?

    If you are on top of it, if you are the sh!t, women don’t flake on you, you don’t have to call them up to remind them that you have a date. You don’t even have to game them. Numb? Numb from what?
  5. P

    Can men and women be just friends?

    I don’t, for a second, believe that men and women can’t be friends. Perhaps what is really being said is that one doesn’t normally have a sexual interest in their same sex friends. I’m a very likable guy, very social. I get invited to hang out with people all the time. One can say that I...
  6. P

    Can men and women be just friends?

    By logical extension of what has been said, then a bisexual person could never be friends with anyone.
  7. P

    Now, this crap really sucks

    Backbreaker, you seem to have posted here out of a bid for sympathy. Reading through all of this you never really say what it is that the woman called the police for – other than some vagueness about you rejecting her, about her being crazy. There is also this underlying NA/recovering addict...
  8. P

    The Relationship Begins Before You Meet Her

    First off I have no respect for motivational speakers. I put them in the same category as preachers, used car salesmen, and con artists of every type. That David DeAngelo would put Sean Stephenson in his seminars is little more than a cheap tactic designed to deceive. By putting Stephenson on...
  9. P

    The Relationship Begins Before You Meet Her

    This is not proof, Sean Stephenson is a freak, a curiosity, a novelty, nothing more. He claims to have overcome his disabilities but he hasn’t. His disability is all he has. In his little motivational speeches he says nothing of significance. Put him on the radio and take away the visual of...
  10. P

    Does Religion Come Between a Woman and You?

    Generally, religious people tend to creep me out. I’m rather outspoken in my objections to religion (people living their lives based upon a made up reality). I would never date a religious woman. Ever so often I’ll meet a woman and she’ll say she believes when asked but will readily agree...
  11. P

    On becoming a couple.

    When I first met my girlfriend, Lilly, she was with a group of other women. Our first several “dates” where actually just me hanging out with this group of women, several of whom I actively flirted with. My attraction for her seemed to overwhelm me. So much so I didn’t make a move on her...
  12. P

    How does a woman know

    This isn’t knowledge, it is a misinterpretation. If a woman rejects a guy once it becomes obvious to her that he likes her, then she was never that interested. Most likely she was just playing him, or using him, or just being nice. If a woman is highly attracted to a guy, her attraction and...
  13. P

    Can men still be good looking at 35+?

    As girls become sexually aware their attention turns not to “boys” but rather to “cute boys”. Likewise a group of middle aged women will notice and comment on cute guys passing by. Studies have shown that women perceive good looking men to be more honest than less attractive men and there is...
  14. P

    Can men still be good looking at 35+?

    Actually women are much more attracted to a man’s looks than you make it sound. Girls are much more likely to hang posters of a “dreamboat” than boys hang posters of hot women. When a good looking man walks into a room, most women take notice. Good looking men consistently have greater...
  15. P

    Bottom feeder

    Really, this is average male behavior? I guess it explains why there are so many frustrated chumps. Actually I don't think the behavior of the men I described here, Tom, Manual, and Doug, is average or normal, or at least shouldn't be. They are more of the type that best serve humanity by not...
  16. P

    Bottom feeder

    I was reading through a few threads the other day and noticed that there were incidents where the guy was presented as the victim where I could see that perhaps the guy contributed heavily to the confrontation or whatever. I was just showing a case I know of first hand where a guy went through...
  17. P

    Bottom feeder

    Possibly if you spent more time romancing women rather than playing silly “game” with them then their romantic reactions would be an everyday kind of thing rather than just a novelty. You just used it.
  18. P

    Bottom feeder

    Not long ago I was hanging with some friends when along came a man named Tom. Soon he was telling us about Francis, a woman who had done him wrong. He told us that he had let her stay at his house when she needed a place to stay and that he had fed her, bought her clothing and accessories...
  19. P

    Article: Why Nice Guys Finish Last

    The article is mostly just pop culture nonsense. When a woman says to a man, "You're a really nice guy, but I only like you as a friend" she is just saying she’s not interested politely – it has nothing to do with the guy being nice or not. The article begins with “Are you a nice guy who has...
  20. P

    Another day with strippers

    Actually I engage in sexual activity of some sort with a woman almost every day. Over my lifetime I would guess that I have ejaculated in or on a woman some 10,000 times. It’s just that the vast majority of those times have been with a few select women. I’m of the opinion that the more times...