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  1. G

    How important is Sex??

    For anyone that takes this thread seriously, TyJ = JustLyke_Candy
  2. G

    How important is Sex??

    To answer YOUR question, "Tyj" - hell no, you shouldn't take the next step !! You should play the field while you still can and bang other girls :up: as many as possible
  3. G

    How important is Sex??

    Just_Lyke Candy ? WTF ???
  4. G

    BUSY or BULLSH!T???

    So when does he find time for other chicks ?
  5. G

    BUSY or BULLSH!T???

    Would you rather have him boning some other chicks and tell you he's busy ? Although maybe that's exactly what he's doing
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    BUSY or BULLSH!T???

  7. G

    BUSY or BULLSH!T???

    So, who gives a sh!t ?
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    27 and nothing

    you stated in your earlier post "my mind flooded by every memory of when I tried and failed, and thoughts of failing again. " in this post, you seem to be contradicting yourself, wouldn't you say ?
  9. G

    Napoleon Dynamite sucks

    You guys must be weird or something GOSH !!!!!
  10. G

    Infatuation or love???

    infatuation means I am sleeping or trying to sleep with other women I dunno if there's such thing as love for a guy, honestly
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    Major Advice!!!

    Yup, you're right - it's extremely stupid. Almost nearly as stupid as a girl seeking relationship advice on an almost exclusively male forum designed to help men attract women :D
  12. G

    Major Advice!!!

    oh my goodness you're still obsessing over this one dude ? Time for you to find some other guys to date - kill that one-itis, and you'll have the upper hand ! :up:
  13. G

    I am a woman.

    Really ?? :eek: :D I would venture to say that girls are about 100 times more insecure than guys
  14. G

    White Castle burgers

    noway; what about Steak n Shake and Denny's ?
  15. G

    Slick Tales

    Alright dude - we need more threads like these around here ! Here is something to inspire you - and you can use it as a line next time you're in a club: Cold Approach
  16. G

    Major Advice!!!

    HAHAHAHAHA are you serious ? OK, why the hell WOULD he want to be commited ? If he can not be in a relationship and still get the pvssy why the f*ck would he want a relationship ?
  17. G

    Major Advice!!!

    Like I said before - if you stop giving it up, you'll see how much he cares about you Either he'll just keep f*cking other chicks and forget about you or he'll still want to be with you in which case you can have a real relationship
  18. G

    White Castle burgers

    There are White Castles in my city and let me tell you - You haven't lived until you ate a sack of sliders or WC chicken sandwiches at 4 AM while coming back from a night of heavy drinking :D
  19. G

    Guys This Is What Women Really Want

    the day Mower benches 225 :D
  20. G

    Hook Up Buddy to Girlfriend...Is that possible???

    Well, stop sleeping with him and you will have your answer