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  1. G

    Am I Too Old?

    Too old for what ? To spend the night at Michael Jackson's house - yes
  2. G

    27 and nothing

    end up "worse" ? This whole thread which I think is more than a year long (aren't you 28 now) you've been posting about how much you hate life, how you wish to die in a car accident, etc.. how much worse can things possibly get in your mind ? What exactly do you have to lose ? Every one of your...
  3. G

    New hair!

    doesn't really look all that different...
  4. G

    Group types on this site

    better than all those team Mower threads :D
  5. G

    Group types on this site

    If you're referring to me I wasn't givng you grief for being a woman . Maybe you think that your non-stop complaining and arguing has to do with the fact that you're female; I think it's annoying no matter what sex you are.
  6. G

    Group types on this site

    I would also expand to say - Women posters who feel like they have to incessantly push their own agenda in each post; which always has to do with some kind of forum politics and them not getting the respect they somehow feel they've earned from other posters and/or forum moderators
  7. G


    lots of people don't believe in god's existence, what the hell are you talking about ???????
  8. G

    Should I have SEX with this older woman?

    Uhhhhh YES :rolleyes:
  9. G

    internet dating 101 = zero results. Why? (PICS)

    if you got lots of time on your hands.. feel free to scan through those gems ;)
  10. G

    DJ technique turns sour - need help deciphering illogical ********

    LOL, good job But it'd be funny if you replied to her SMS with "Aren't you happy with just kissing?" :D I am sure you'll be laying her in no time, just don't let her go too cold
  11. G

    NFL Divsionial Playoffs Who wins?

    New England is starting a couple of guys named Asante Samuel and Randall Gay in the secondary. Good luck trying to keep up with Harrison, Wayne and Stockley - all 1000 yard receivers this year. I don't care what tricks Belichik's got up his sleeve this time - if you don't have proper personnel...
  12. G

    British Prince Harry dressing as a Nazi

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: British Prince Harry dressing as a Nazi What exactly is your point here ? That other ethnic groups have also suffered ? Whoop-dee-doo !! Does that mean that noone has the right to get offended - because others suffered as well ? Where's the logic in that ? Hey, I...
  13. G

    British Prince Harry dressing as a Nazi

    So all the jews in Poland and Ukraine that were murdered were also a threat to his political power ? As well as the gypsies - also a threat to his political power ?
  14. G

    British Prince Harry dressing as a Nazi

    Re: Re: British Prince Harry dressing as a Nazi Right. Newsflash - not everyone thinks the same way you do. So what you're saying is - since you're not offended by some things, therefore nobody else has the right to be offended by anything ? That's like me saying - I am Jewish and I...