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  1. G

    This is different....

    If I EVER lost control of my mind or body enough to get drunk, I'd suicide. WTF is in people's heads, anyway. Do you hate yourself THAT much? Are you not aware of the risks that you are running? Someone could EASILY kill you and get away with it, while you are drunk. Much less sodomize or beat...
  2. G

    All the girls I have fun with turn out to be taken

    well, DUH. of COURSE the best ones are "picked over". wth do you THINK other men are doing, watching grass grow?
  3. G

    How to approach next-door female neighbor??

    What has worked for me, in the past, is teach karate classes in the back yard, when I know she will (eventually) see me. If and when I get a response, from a lady, I take her shooting. If she is not "into" both those things, I am not going to waste my time on her. I spend way too much time at...
  4. G

    Female Princeton Grad Advice: Find a husband

    Almost every twenty-something, beautiful Filipina (100+) that I emailed,(thru an Asian dating site) said "of course" when I asked her if she would come to US, and give me 3/4 of the $200K+ that I would show her how to "clear", (over a 5 year period). Her expenses run me about 10k a year. I said...
  5. G

    Lingering feelings

    It basically took me 10 years, 8 of it with no contact, 2 years of just phone contact. One day I just happened to notice that I had not thought of her at all for several days. Before, I thought of her scores of times per day. This separation was after 5 years of an affair.
  6. G

    The counseling profession and their mindgames.

    Do you have any BASIS for your "self respect", tho? or are you trying to blow smoke up your own azz?
  7. G

    Demise Of Guys

    As I have said here many times before, there's only room for about 10% of males to be true Alphas. If you are in the other 90%, your only realisticshot at having a real 'hottie" (at least for a while, 5 years) is to get a third world woman. After the 5 years are up and she's a US citizen, tho...
  8. G

    Is she using me/is it my pride/should i just get with her?

    if you dig her, why not bone her down?
  9. G

    Many Filipinas will marry you, sight unseen.

    I'm a lot tougher in person, punk, believe it. I'm still waiting for you to point out where all these times you (or anyone else, actually) has shown me up so badly. Bring it on, any way you want. In person, right here, whatever. I've been training to handle punks like you for about 45 years now.
  10. G

    Gold is a BUBBLE

    no, it's not ALL societies have collapsed, at one point or another. 99% of humankind has never been wiped out (before) unless it was perhaps back in pre Neanderthal days. there'd be archeological and geological evidence if it had, and what evidence we do have shows the reverse.
  11. G

    Chicks who "mistakenly" leave things in your car or place.

    so what/? Does that mean that you cant tell her to gtf out?
  12. G

    Parents do the right but faggots are outraged

    I've never allowed cops with GUNS to talk to me the way I see/hear some kids talking to their parents. If I was the parent, I'd grab that kid and SHOW him or her a few things. But no kid of mine would ever consider talking to me like that. Those parents have allowed that crap, all the kid's...
  13. G

    if you are ugly

    then FIX it. 10k or so $, overseas, 1/2 dozen surgeries, spread out over a year, and you no longer have that problem. so why let it screw up your life? you CAN do something about it. Especially WOMEN. Also, of course, you CAN do something about being fat. AGAIN, especially women readers...
  14. G

    when can one let their guard down to a girl?!

    sorry, but there are no guarantees about anything. People are individuals, they feel differently about different people, and often, they feel differently about the SAME person, at different times. Especially in the first year or so of "courting" or whatever you call it these days. I don't count...
  15. G

    Online Dating is Beta Game

    aw, fvck you. this is an individual thing and you don't know jack shyte about any of the other guys here.
  16. G

    Want out of the friendzone? Spank that A$$

    yeah. but maybe she calls the cops, and has the red marks to PROVE a battery (felony) charge should stick, too. Best be careful. My choice has always been to squat a bit, get my forearm under her butt, and pick her up with just that one arm Not too fast. If she's opposed, she will let you know...
  17. G

    The Starter Wife

    u wish you could kick at ALL, much less do so while accomplishing ANYTHING else. :-)
  18. G

    Learn to use tools. Learn to BUILD.

    man, you don't buy generic tools at a hardware store. not if you can HELP it, that is. buy them at garage sales, thrift stores, auctions, pawn shops, for about 20% of what they retail for, usually. Christ, you are talking about wasting a TON of money! Try to buy an entire toolbox full of tools...
  19. G

    Just being a white knight?

    I've heard that Lord Byron scored very well, he was a crippled from birth poet.
  20. G

    The 1-10 Scale

    It varies from culture to culture, too. Many of the women we regard as lovely (even if they are Asian) many Asian MEN think are plain, or even ugly. A lot of black men like a HUGE, fat ass on a woman. I can't stand women who let themselves look like that, myself.