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  1. D


    Given how inundated we are with gayness in the media, let's make this simple: Everyone be completely honest when I ask you this: Does the sight of seeing two men necking make you feel very uncomfortable? Does it repulse you? If you answer "YES", then you're ok.
  2. D


    I would say a good portion of them are. They sleep around like mad and this is the reason their community is being decimated by HIV. Yet lo and behold, I don't see the threat that we've been hearing for years that the straight community is going to start getting HIV in epidemic proportions...
  3. D


    I'd be willing to bet you that the numbers involving men on boy are much larger. Look at the coverups involving the Catholic church. Look at the coverups in the boyscouts, in coaching. In Toronto, there was a whole ring of child abuse - male on male, at Maple Leaf Gardens that went on...
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    I'll tell you one thing. I look around these days, and something is definitely afoot. I turned on the television the other day, only to flip through the channels and land on one of those 'specialty' channels, only to see a softcore gay porn going on - and this is prime time television. It...
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    There are distinctions, yes, however, there seem to be an awful lot of young boys being abused these days, and mostly by men.
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    This metro sexual thing really is funny. It all started with David Beckham. The guy is completely effeminate. However, there is a difference between a man who takes care of himself, and a man who ponces himself up like Beckham does. I see men in nice looking business attire and they are...
  7. D

    Girls that don't make eye contact

    That's right. I've met plenty of women throughout my lifetime who acted totally disinterested in me, yet paid attention to everyone else, and alot of the time it was because they had a very high interest in me. I know this because invariably they'd get more comfortable with me and I was able...
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    Grow Some Balls Part 1: HB Worship and the WUSS-BAGS that participate in it...

    Because in ever increasing numbers I am coming across stuck up, selfish, self centred and superficial b*tches, and there's only going to be more of them. You want to know the reason why this is? Because everywhere they go, they keep getting told how beautiful they are by guys in the street...
  9. D

    she cancelled date/never called back ?

    Gawd, I wouldn't even bother with the woman, she sounds like a loser.
  10. D

    How do you protect yourself in your sex life?

    Gawd, I can't tell you how many hors I knew from my teenage years who are now in their 30s and have a whole host of diseases because they f*cked everything that moved. Fortunately, I never hooked up with any of these slags from my circle of friends because I always got my women elsewhere.
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    this is why a DJ is in high demand!

    :crackup: :crackup:
  12. D

    Women are superficial hors! (proof)

    Damn jr, reading this post is giving me deja view. The good news is, my ex isn't exactly doing well these days in the man department, and she's only getting older, fatter, and uglier.
  13. D

    How do you protect yourself in your sex life?

    You mainly get HIV from two things: 1. Putting your **** in someone's ass 2. Using a dirty needle Notice how the scaremongers shouting about a massive surge in heterosexual HIV have been so quiet lately because, well, it just hasn't happened. Don't stick your **** up an ass and...
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    Homoseuxality is natural

    If people want to be gay, that's there problem, just do it well the f*ck away from me.
  15. D

    Calling power hungry girls out!!!!

    You wanna know how I exercise my power? I number close women I'm not especially interested in and then I NEVER call them.
  16. D

    this is why a DJ is in high demand!

    Regarding a pink shirt, I had one when I was a teenager. At 34, I just can't bring myself to wear one. My lady bought me 8 shirts a couple months back. One of them was pink, poor thing just sits there in the closet, hanging there, I hope moths eat it. I also used to wear an earring, but...
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    this is why a DJ is in high demand!

    This thread needs some manning up, and my role model, the one man I look up to in the world is here to take care of things:
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    this is why a DJ is in high demand!

    This is so true spider, especially the last bit - women are getting increasingly accustomed to AFC behaviour and I've encountered a few that wouldn't bother with me because I actually have a spine.....
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    this is why a DJ is in high demand!

    F*ck, I was talking to a very attractive older woman at the pub last night and she was discussing how guys like me are going to be the pick of the litter soon because everyone's f*cking going to be gay soon. Her words exactly and refreshing to hear. I live in Toronto and there's so many...
  20. D

    Does Anyone Else Here Pimp Money/Gifts From Horz?

    I get alot of clothes bought for me, but not from horz because I don't bother with hors anymore.