I'll tell you one thing. I look around these days, and something is definitely afoot.
I turned on the television the other day, only to flip through the channels and land on one of those 'specialty' channels, only to see a softcore gay porn going on - and this is prime time television. It wasn't graphic, but there were definitely two nude men, partially covered with sheets, going at it.
I screamed and flicked the channel over. Even my woman didn't like watching that sh*t. This channel was either Bravo or Showcase, I forget which one.
Some of their other shows included the hor promoting Sex in the City.
Their latest masterpiece is the "L-Word" another show promoting lipstick lesbianism.
Then I get on the subway and there are ads all over the train advertising a dating/hoookup service or website or some other for gay men. This ad shows three effeminate looking dudes on it.
Also, obviously someone had been handing out little postcards for this business, because I saw them scatted all over the Subway station floor.
This morning, I saw a different ad, for yet another gay hookup network, and it showed a dude that looked like the leather guy from the Village people lying in bed with some other dude.
Ok, so homosexuals make up around a little under 2% of the population, yet we are being inundated everywhere by their lifestyle.
Someone care to argue that there is no conspiracy afoot, especially when they're slowly pushing gay behaviour in the form of metrosexuality?
I believe the method they are using is called slowly desensitizing the public. Once you start to get used to seeing these images, it will only start getting worse as this sh*t becomes slowly more acceptable.
I can see by some of the posters on here that this is already happening.
How does a very small minority group of people gain such a loud voice.
I'll tell you something, through work, I've met a lot of gay men. 9 out of 10 of them lead extremely f*cked up lifestyles.
Two in particular I can think of claim they've been together for 15 years, yet one of them is fooling around with some old guy, and the younger one mysteriously shows up with another guy claiming it's his cousin, but it ain't. Both are HIV positive, both have had hundreds of sex partners.
What do I tell my son when he sees two men kissing on network television, that it's normal? No way pal.