^^^^^^ Brainwashed little Liberal.
Anyone who harps on about not judging Lesbians/homos and thinks that he's abusing women because he stands up for himself.......I dunno man.
It's time to grow up junior, stop aiding and abetting the leftist homo-hor agenda and spouting their politically...
Both women and men have been totally f*cked over by this lesbo feminazi crap. All in the name of politically correctness.
Here's an experiment for everyone: Start frequenting your local sportsbar a couple times a week. The kind of one that has hot waitresses and bartenders all dressed...
There's a load of effeminates posting in this thread who should shut off their computer, I think Sex in the City is on guys, better set your VCR timers.
This is sad, so truly sad. These young punks have bought into the propaganda that if you act like a man you are abusing a woman's rights...
Gawd, we're being invaded by feminist wimps.
No one's endorsing treating women like crap. Just don't let them treat you like crap, because given the opportunity, the average modern woman can't help themselves.
Jus_LikeCandy - go f*ck off and plug in your vibrator you kunt.
Please elaborate on why you think this is advice from a reliable source and also I'd like to know what you mean by a woman's perspective, because usually a woman's perspective is complete BS.
I think being yourself has more to do with having the guts to do just that. There's nothing wrong with being yourself as long as you respect who that person is, and there's an awful lot of young dudes who come on here who do not have that respect for themselves.
I do think that nobody comes...
I wonder if she's just one of these young girls who say they are 'bi-sexual' just because it's the in thing right now.
Either way, you are her rebound toy, she jumped from her ex boyfriends jock straight onto yours, and she's really young.
My idea is that you shouldn't even be concerned...
Ok, Question for you guys. This happens to me every now and then. Now, usually, I get along with people very well and can easily charm them, and I have alot of friends, many of them for over 15 years.
So I know it can't be me. But do you ever come across the odd person who takes an...
Toronto, Canada is just as bad, because there's so much rampant lefty/feminist/homo mindset up here. The women are not only superficial and materialistic, but most of them hate men as well, and are completely snobbish, even the ugly ones.
Hey, PRL, ever notice how the young ones on here tend to not like you for your views?
It's pretty g*d damn scary, these young dudes are completely indoctrinated into a feminist thought pattern, like Liberals, they just can't accept views that are contrary to their false doctrines.
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