Originally posted by PVSSY-EATER
Alright Mind Over Matter thats it.......I am about to go but you need to be put in your place....
This is gonna be interesting lol.
Some women come to this site, and type things like, I need help with my boyfriend...can you guys help me? - Their purpose in coming here is to control their uncontrollable boyfrined, which is the reason the woman is with them in the first place.
So ignore them. By talking sh!t to them, you're giving them attention and making them stay. If you just ignored the female posters they'd leave u alone. But instead you get in retarded arguments with them and they end up staying longer then they would have if you just didn't pay attention to them.
And that's the classic AFC mistake. You don't know when to give attention, and when NOT to give it.
Then some come on here and reply to Afcs questions, and give good honest advice, not from a woman s standpoint, but from a don juan stand point.
Yes but you know what, even those get flamed.
As far as woman haters goes, some men on this damn site are not afraid to speak the damn truth, EVEN IF....it is harsh or mean.
Attention *****s need to get off the damn site....period! Wooman hater or Gay lover, its the damn truth!
Again, if you don't want attention wh0res on this website, don't give them attention. There's a difference between speaking the truth and putting a ho in her place, and immediatly jumping down someone's throat because they're female.
And as far as you calling me a Pook follower or whatever, I have read his posts, I learned a lot from them, and I go out and apply them, then I come back here for the sole purpose of helping somebody else just as I got helped! Bite me!
I didn't say you were a Pook follower, I said you were pretending to be Pook. Which is true. Like that bird in the cage thread. You've taken a quote by anti-dump, a lot of Pook's "be a man" material, and blended it together into a piss poor thread that few people take seriously.
I remember you posting a thread a while back saying how you've been trying to apply the bible but are still not getting laid, and are happy with just focusing on yourself. Ever since then, you've basically been going around this forum, calling people kids, repeating Pook rhetoric, and trying to give advice on how to act with women, even tho you've admitted to not getting any.
The phrase "blind leading the blind" comes to my mind. Instead being a keyboard jockey and trying to build your self-esteem by establishing a womanizing guru online persona, go outside, talk to women, start hooking up.
YOU, need a damn attitude adjustment. I feel as though this board could be more united, and we all should be striving to become a better SOMETHING.....but its like, everybody just comes here to bad mouth the people who actually POST some quality information......it just makes no damn sense, all we are trying to do is share our experiences, and its usually the ones with master and senior don juan under their name who just bad mouths all the people.
What quality information? All you've posted so far has been poorly reworded Pook articles/advice.
It's funny how you're telling me I'm bad mouthing people, yet on another thread you're telling some guy to s*ck your d!ck, or patronizing people and calling them kids.
Also, those post count titles don't mean sh!t. The only ones that make a big deal out of them are AFCs who are still trying to establish an online dating guru persona. To everybody else, it's just a number.
My opinion, if somebody has gone from an AFc, and is practising being a don juan and wants to come and share their expereinces and knowledge to help newbies, LET IT BE. Dont tear them down and try to make it seem like they dont do anything buy type all damn day........
What experiances? What knowledge? You've admitted to not getting laid despite applying the bible, you've never posted a shred of original information. It's cool that you're trying to help others, but it seems to me like you should be helping yourself first. Go out, start hooking up, and stop being a keyboard jockey.
We need to be more united guys, and not so damn critical of each other for reasons that have nothing to do with personal development, but for reasons that I believe are only put out for degrading ones own personal success.
Now bite those apples.....peace.
What personal success? lol, I guess it's true what they say, if you lie long enough, you start believing it yourself.