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  1. C

    Young, wet, bytches! :P

    Re: Thanks for the lecture comote OK Westcoaster,sorry it's been a while since I replied to this, my internet access is sketchy at best right now. You can post opinions all you want, but why do you have it in for Er!c, because he fvcks young chicks? Why care? You are right, I...
  2. C

    Reason why some advice never works for you?

    I disagree Dirtheart when you say "I was not the DJ, nor the alpha male; I was just myself at my most comfortable. The only factors I abided by were eye contact, posture and confidence. " You were being natural and hade a comfortable and good attitude. This is as "DJ" or "alpha" as you can...
  3. C

    Reason why some advice never works for you?

    The way I got to where I am is by taking lots of false steps. Alot of what we learn about dj'ing has a ring of truth to it. Most of the basic things said do work. The problem comes about when people expect these techniques to be a magic cure-all for everything. Anything worthwhile takes...
  4. C

    Young, wet, bytches! :P

    Westcoaster, why are you posting this negative attitdude, if a guy in his 40's wants to bang 20 yr olds there should be no problem with that. There are some things that make it easier to date younger women when you are older, and some things that make it harder. No need to crucify anyone for...
  5. C

    Focus on yourself first.

    Sorry man, I guess I have been hanging out with the older crowd, I just don't understand the new style slang these days. I will try and keep up, note to self: make sure and watch eurotrip to catch up on the latest slang.
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    Meeting an 18yo girl tonight

    I think you did a great job with not just nexting her right away when she flaked. I agree you shouldn't just let go when a chick starts flaking out on you. Sometimes it just takes a bit more time for a woman to realize that you are the man. Especially since she may have never met anyone through...
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    Flirting: Keeping the Magic

    I don't think he is talking about patterns, I think he is talking about settling into a routine. A couple of thoughts. Think of yourself in control: Even though your routine seems old to you it is not old to them. The real way to get rid of this is to focus on the woman, think of her as...
  8. C

    Focus on yourself first.

    I am sure you do give good advice, in fact I just checked a few posts and saw that I agreed with what I saw. This is why I am confused. The whole point of my post was that I saw alot of people saying "fvck life sucks" and most of the replies where of the sort, "yeah man life does fvckin...
  9. C

    Meeting an 18 yo girl tomorrow night.

    I think it is appropriate to post about dating younger women on this board. It is a different game for us to meet the younger ones. I mean they are used to other students and we are used to women who are in situations similar to ours. There are many things that make dating women in the...
  10. C

    Focus on yourself first.

    Eric, I thought you had given up on this post, way to show us how alpha you are by coming back. Er!c, westcoaster is right you need to calm yourself, you are a grown man getting upset about something someone wrote on an internet message board. Hell, the stuff you were so pissed about...
  11. C

    Confession: I am so cruel! ...thanks sosauve..

    Man, congrats on being able to get a girl interested but man if you were my friend I would b1tch slap you.. You are creating a negative vibe around yourself when you start screwing over those people you care about. Ask yourself this now. Are you more interested in macking the girl or in...
  12. C

    HB10's are Wayyyyy Over-rated

    I guess I must be living in heaven because the last year or so I have only met a couple of girls that had an overdeveloped sense of entitlement. One was cute, but not nearly as hot as she thought she was, the other was butt-ugly. I did go after the cute one for a while, but not the...
  13. C

    How to fix the n00b problem and give a good idea on who knows their stuff

    I remember there used to be this thing called the dj bible that people would be sent to if they had a question. Is that still around? Maybe if some mediocre posts currently in the bible were cycled out we could put some new really good ones in people would know who to listen to. Another...
  14. C

    The Relationship Begins Before You Meet Her

    This needs bumped, my all time favorite post.
  15. C

    HB10's are Wayyyyy Over-rated

    Any girl that you can get interested in you enough will treat you great and have a great attitude. Any girl that is not really into you will be a b!tch. That's the way of the world. I am glad you found someone you really like who adores you, but there are plenty of women out there ready...
  16. C

    When your b!tch is being a Beatch!

    Honestly since I started coming here there have been two girls that have become bratty like this, to one I said: "every party has a pooper, that's why we invited you!!!" The other I simply walked away from, told her she could call when she was done being a baby. The first girl was a...
  17. C

    The New Generation of Women

    Guys, you will always have trouble "loving"a woman, even for a night if you don't learn to love women in general. A true dj loves and accepts women. It does not mean women are perfect, far from it, they can be evil, conniving spiteful and cruel, yet we still love them.
  18. C

    Focus on yourself first.

    Re: I like a combo of things I understand what you are saying, definitely westcoaster. These things are fine to post on, there is a prevalent negativity on this board lately that makes it depressing to come here anymore. Every post seems to be either some guy bragging about a technique...
  19. C

    Do I last too long?

    You know I have had some women dry out as well, but the last gf was a fukin machine. I also tend to last pretty long and she would love it. suggestions: 1) Getting her to cvm beforehand is a definite must. I always make sure she is taken care of before I get mine, trust me if you do this...
  20. C

    im not gay, but... please help!

    Interpols suggestions were right on There are plenty of things you can learn about that women enjoy talking about as well. Ask her about her experiences dating, Ask for her perfect date/vacation, exchange funny stories from your past(this is one of my favorites), ask about her...