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  1. J

    What to do when you made the mistake....

    your name is supercoolguy. start acting that way bro. no contact. good luck
  2. J

    How to manage a married woman?

    you left out the story... explain
  3. J

    Should I just cut this girl out of my life

    just become disinterested and aloof. it will be fun watching her try to "win you back"...
  4. J

    What does this hint mean?

    I dont know, it allll depends on what flavor the cake was, and what type of baking dish it was in. Let's analyze this for 45 minutes............. :crackup:
  5. J

    Lady blowing hot then suddenly cold

    these DJ's are right. NC until she contacts you. and then it's YOUR turn to be aloof & "busy".... that is IF you want to continue toying with her at all
  6. J

    Slow Cooking

    slow cook indeed. but at this time, i would advise you to take the hanging electric cord coming out of the crock pot... AND PLUG THE FRIGGIN THING IN! let's go young man!
  7. J

    Going Bald?

    Listen to what i said earlier, and what Penkitten told you as well (a womens view is invaluable)... you are fine. you are not going bald. look in the mirror and say it 20 times: I am confident, and I am NOT going bald.....
  8. J

    no contact, course of action

    shes doing the same thing... awaiting the meeting. if you dont attend, she will call you within 3 days post meeting.
  9. J

    34 days?

    Why antagonize this older DJ? Why not cheer him on & support him? His experience (years) can be a wealth of information. Cheers to "Hell on Wheels".:cheer: :cheer:
  10. J

    Going Bald?

    JTLAY: Look at my first post (#7): My first comment was: 1stly, those pics show normal hair, not advanced thinning. I DID answer your question. And to their credit, some of the others also gave you some decent advice on retaining the hair you have. As far as the other gent who singled...
  11. J

    Going Bald?

    1) He's not that bad yet. 2) Rogaine is scientifically a proven product for the crown of the head balding. 3) Gym membership and a six pack is fine. But bald is bald, and not generally a desired trait by either male or female. In fact a guy with a LITTLE spare tire & full hair will probably...
  12. J

    Where to meet Fat/Ugly girls?

    Penkitten: Maybe if you eat tons of food, and bulk up. Then, have a tractor trailer run over your face... this guy will ask you for your number! hehehehe
  13. J

    Going Bald?

    1stly, those pics show normal hair, not advanced thinning. 2ndly, can anyone give this gent your experiences with rogaine or other similar products? 3rdly, save your money. if you are THAT much against going bald, you might want hair transplants or implants. work hard, work overtime...
  14. J

    Hook up Obstacle

    I smell a 3-way
  15. J

    Flake situation

    say "what? when?" Like you didnt even remember that she didnt call you back
  16. J

    Haha how is this going so far?

    Alright, keep with the aloofness, but try to make it more genuine loofness. Taper back on the texts. Go out, and if she corners you, tell her you are going out with friends. put her emotions on a roller coaster ride. But it's kind of rough, since she works with you. I'll save the sermon...
  17. J

    Wow, listen to this bullshivt I heard from her. I need your advice...

    Ok falcon, what to do from here on, right? Ok read above: Warrior's advice. Dont act all pi$$ed. Dont explode as you did before. act busy, disinterested 7 a bit aloof. but still not impolite. just that you are a busy guy, and dont have time to sit & chew the fat with some chick who wants you to...
  18. J

    I have a meeting with "my girl"

    "not tonight, I have to study".... <the vein pattern on that other guy's schlong>
  19. J

    Need help like asap please guys

    I agree what Dia above suggested. Make it sexual. Do those kino things...
  20. J

    Silly birthday gift?

    get her a bottle of wine. its cheap. if you can fit it inside the cereal box, go ahead. BUT... then be cool, and a bit aloof. play it off. push pull. maybe she will inite you to share the wine. probably not. I have tried these little gift things, and although they come off afc, they seem...