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  1. M

    Women - Verdict: Not Guilty

    Where's the sections in this post about women's love being less sincere than men's? Where's the part about them not actually loving you, but what you represent: a life? Where's the part about women leaving men more often than men leaving women? Where's the section about branch swinging...
  2. M

    AFCs I've known

    Is this part of the reason why a guy that seems like a DJ can sudden become an AFC in marriage? Is it that he was pretending to be a DJ, but allows the AFC to come out because he feels validated by society, or is he a DJ that concedes defeat?
  3. M

    Red Flags and Phrases to keep an ear for, with examples:

    A woman I was close to starts spending more and more time around an old friend. For some reason, it dawned on me that he might be a guy in a story she once told me. A bad story! My suspicions were correct: "I know he raped me, but that's in the past. We had a long talk about it and put it...
  4. M

    Red Flags and Phrases to keep an ear for, with examples:

    I had a girl utter the "it's okay" line to me, but her other red flag words came at a different time. We dated a few years earlier and back then I thought she had a thing for other women. When she comes back into my life, she says, "I'm not, nor have I ever been attracted to women." Followed...
  5. M

    Female Friends

    I think a true female friend is rare. Extremely I've never had one, rare. I've known women through the years that I have called friends, but in truth the "friendship" only existed out of their attraction toward me. The second the attraction abated, they were no longer there for me...
  6. M

    So I messed up big Time, need to recover

    Buddy, you have two choices: You leave her because she chose a man that abused her, over you, or you leave because she feels she deserved to get hit. Trust me, I've been in the situation you're in, the reason for your hostility will always be on your mind. Why would you want a dysfunctional...
  7. M

    Quiet Man

    In regard to your energy level, you have to make sure you eat enough during the day, and make sure you're eating enough carbs. You may also want to give working out a try. Now, with the voice, I notice that I'll stumble over my words and stutter if I'm tired. If I'm going on a date and I...
  8. M

    Why Marriage Has Become a Raw Deal for Men

    I think the site's information is false, the divorce rate is much higher and that's not taking into account the unhappily married. Just looking at my immediate family and coworkers over 30, the stats are a lot bleaker than you think.
  9. M

    Ex still in the pic: sh*t test, disrespect, or other?

    We're nitpicking because he doesn't know any better, his question is whether she's disrespecting him or not, and if he should say something to her about how he's feeling. By telling him the relationship is not committed, it keeps him from starting 20 threads about this woman. The nuances of...
  10. M

    Ex still in the pic: sh*t test, disrespect, or other?

    Okay, I see what you're saying. No, there is no agreed upon commitment, which is his whole problem. As far as he's concerned, she's his significant other. From what I'm reading, he's a guy she's dating. His mistake was not reading the relationship better, so now he's stuck with these feeling...
  11. M

    Ex still in the pic: sh*t test, disrespect, or other?

    So what you're implying is that it's not a relationship until he presents her with a symbol of his undying love? People that use a ring as an excuse to be unfaithful usually have an ulterior motive for being in the relationship. If she had the appropriate feelings for wanting something...
  12. M

    Ex still in the pic: sh*t test, disrespect, or other?

    Sometimes, the guys on here don't give women enough credit. I disagree, her actions are not fine. Listen to me very carefully: All women with a certain amount of experience and/or age know that a significant other wouldn't like them spending time with someone of the opposite sex, because they...
  13. M

    Does being "Don Juan" mean being alone??

    The reason you read a lot about creating a good life style and building confidence: Being a DJ cannot be maintained long term, it has to be a part of you, which is an extremely small percentage of men. In here, we learn how to cope and how to build facades to better deal with situations with...
  14. M

    It's almost a lost cause trying to help the younger generation

    But this is how most women leave a relationship. Are you saying most women are no good?
  15. M

    Pu$$y size

    Guys like you are the reason why I've come across so many women that are lousy in bed!
  16. M

    Read Diary What?

    You're in a no win situation. Come on, we all know how easy it is to get back in once you've been in, I don't care how much time has gone by. If she cares enough about you to not cheat, there will just be a lot of inappropriate conversation going back and forth. If he does it right, he'll...
  17. M

    She's boring

    I said everything was perfect, except conversation, meaning anything physical or competitive, like basketball, pool, sex, bowling, cards, etc...
  18. M

    She's boring

    It's called fun. What kind of guy is strictly dating girls that he thinks he'll eventually marry? I dated her because she was always up for a good time. If I wanted conversation, I called someone else.
  19. M

    She's boring

    It depends on the girl. The last one I dated was the perfect girl in every other way. We were having a good time, but it couldn't be a life long relationship.
  20. M

    She's boring

    1. There is a basic physical attraction there and they put out, or they're fun to date because they like to be on the go. 2. I would stick around and date a boring girl if other things were there, but she would never be a girlfriend.