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  1. M

    Condom for blow job?

    Like the title, do you use a condom when you get a blow job? Most people don't I would think, but I'm asking about the relative risk.
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    Tactics versus inner game

    I post this because people think that there's some sort of contradiction between the two. There's not. True, having a strong inner game is what really attracts women. However, the tactics are the way that that inner game is expressed. No one knows whats *inside* you until you say or do...
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    Can you escape the "friend zone" by becoming a jerk after friendship?

    Dude, you're missing it. You're actually getting what you want. What she's doing is an IOI. She likes you, now you just need to learn to keep the conversation on a level that would make her consider you sexually, don't keep using the same conversation that makes her think of you as friend...
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    What kind of colonge should i buy for my brothers who are 14 and 12

    Really? I do mine differently. I spray the left wrist, rub them together, then rub my right index finger on the left wrist and rub it on the back of my earlobes. I have attached earlobes though. I'm not sure if that would work with someone who has detached earlobes. Earlobe attachment...
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    Cold Approached Hb....but Created An Awkward Situation...any Thoughts

    you knocked, but she didn't answer the door? look, this is a psycho chick,just drop her.
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    What kind of colonge should i buy for my brothers who are 14 and 12

    get them a masculine bodywash or scented soap. there's a lot of risk that they'll use too much cologne if they don't know how to do it. Plus, the control-freak school these days tend to punish kids forusing cologne.
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    Tony Robbins

    Tony Robbins said that he went from being depressed and in the dumps to being a millionaire in one year. He doesn't technically say that he was over his depression when he had the million dollars, but it's a logical conclusion that he'd got over it sometime within that time frame.
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    what's worse is that they bother to have a "privacy policy" what a joke.
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    Tony Robbins

    true, he got rich off of telling other people how to get rich. there is a question of whether he really can create anything of value, but it's a debate that's been going on for years.
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    Anyone ever just feel numb in life?

    Visceral, They've given you a macho answer, but I don't think it's a really useful one. If you didn't want whatever it is you want, then you wouldn't be agonizing over it in the first place. I don't agonize over the fact that I wasn't Prom Queen (it's a joke), but you see plenty of women...
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    Tony Robbins

    Tony Robbins... where to begin. He's a very skilled salesman and also a master hypnotist. This means that he knows how to use words that change the way people feel and think very easily. The way hypnosis works though, is it has to be applied regularly for the changes to stay. Generally...
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    Anyone ever just feel numb in life?

    I agree with Redpill. I'll add a little bit. When you run out of energy, your emotions get more negative as well. It's important that when you feel that way that you use your logical mind to control yourself, so that you decide to either rest up or take action that will get you out of the...
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    Rubber Johnny: You Have To Watch This!

    I don't have sound. would that have made a difference? Ijust saw an alien moving his head around and then I got bored.
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    Am I Wierd?

    You don't have to chase tail 7 days a week
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    Porn and your game

    This gets talked about every so often, whether porn helps or hurts your game. Usually you hear people say that it hurts it because it releases "sexual energy" instead of motivating you to get on the field. I'm not sure that there is such thing as "sexual energy", but here's an observation...
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    my old oneitis

    I was just thinking about my old oneitis. I've stopped talking to her, but I'm wondering if I should declare her my enemy, and cut her off formally(ie, letting her know I've cut her off), because we ended on a friends basis. She's weird in that if she mentally knows that I'm not her friend...
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    Millionaire tip of the day- The definition of "LOSER"

    The problem is, I think just about any woman would try to take you to the cleaners in a divorce. They think of it as an entitlement. The only way around it, I think is a prenup.
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    Thinkers And Doers

    Does this mean that if I play basketball with a woman, she'll fall in love with me?
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    two types of seduction

    that would explain a lot... I've had some near misses with women who want a provider., and I've spent a lot of time developing DJ skills to get into the broader "lover" market.
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    can this be diabetes?

    Don't listen to this. Diabetes doesn't cause the loss of that organ, and if you keep your sugar under control, you can avoid complications like amputation of feet, which happens to really old people who didn't have or use modern technology. Go to a doctor and have them check it. It's a test...