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  1. D

    Breaking the ice with different races

    Yeah bro... that's what I'm trying to tell people.. I think most Americans have this vision of Latinos as all looking like either the Mexicans you see in East LA on TV or the half-black 'Ricans/Dominicans you see in the Bronx/Queens. Granted those two groups make up almost 95% of all Latinos in...
  2. D

    Butter or margarine?

    great article, bro! Give that to those patchouli-smelling tree huggers - maybe they'll STFU about all this soy bullshyt!! Wishful thinking, I know! As to the point of this thread: Margarine is a fukkin' abomination... Butter all the way!!
  3. D

    Which bodybuilder (or non bodybuilder) look do you aim for?

    check it:
  4. D

    Which bodybuilder (or non bodybuilder) look do you aim for?

    I think he jumped on the juice when he was prepping for "Rocky III' - in that movie, compared to the physique he had in Rocky I and II, and "Victory" he was jakked! (It's also quite clear he had some plastic surgery work done on his face during that time) I know for a fact he juiced for "The...
  5. D

    Which bodybuilder (or non bodybuilder) look do you aim for?

    Yeah, Lou was my idol when I was a kid, his old Hercules/Sinbad flicks and Hulk TV show were staples of my youth... he's the reason I started lifting... turns out I have pretty much his same height and structure... the difference I am unwilling to jump on the roids to reach Ferrigno-esque...
  6. D

    Which bodybuilder (or non bodybuilder) look do you aim for?

    Re: why be like someone else? This is exactly the attitude you guys should be shooting for. Sorry to burst your guys' collective bubbles... but all the above mentioned men (especially Zane, Raymond, and Stallone- van Damme not as much) used/ use (in the case of Raymond) liberal amounts...
  7. D

    Going ONS Mode at the Club

    Re: Re: Going ONS Mode at the Club Nah, most of 'em are kind of sloppy and the fatties don't carry their weight well... besides, they're way too easy to pick up. the "immigrant' chicks are more of a challenge.
  8. D

    Starting bulking plan tomorrow, critique needed

    man, the dude's only 20.
  9. D

    Eating mcdonald to bulk up

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Eating mcdonald to bulk up exactly. note how I never say, it's the BEST choice, but merely theoretically possible. To the body, a high GI carb, is a high-GI carb..and a meat protein a meat protein... however the fat/additives in the M+M/lower quality meat would fukk...
  10. D

    Eating mcdonald to bulk up

    Re: Re: Re: Eating mcdonald to bulk up Yeah, about the trans fat and all that...... but that still does not negate the fact that you could still put on muscle mass eating Whoppers and McDonald's hamburgers...which was the whole point of this thread. and yes, saturated fat is still a...
  11. D

    Eating mcdonald to bulk up

    as long as you keep away from fries, non-diet soda, and the desserts - yeah, it's a viable option... hamburgers/chicken/fish sandwiches are still meat with lots of protein - granted it isn't super high quality, but the body can still use it... the only concern here is the ridiculous amounts of...
  12. D

    Close Grip Bench for Triceps?

    Re: Re: Re: you'll be overtraining in the long run exactly. which is why there is no reason to stop doing triceps exercises just because you get injured doing them. because it happened to you, does not necessarily mean it is going to happen to us!
  13. D

    Close Grip Bench for Triceps?

    Re: you'll be overtraining in the long run I've been lifting for 12 years already.. never had an elbow problem...
  14. D

    Close Grip Bench for Triceps?

    Re: Re: Re: Close Grip Bench for Triceps? stack a dumbbell on top of the weight stack! D
  15. D

    Would you LTR a single Mommy?

    Blu, what the fukk is so ALPHA ABOUT ABANDONING A CHILD YOU FATHERED? That behavior, to me, is OMEGA as fukk. Gio gets mad respect from me for stepping up to the plate. Single mother dating notwithstanding..... there aren't a lot of guys who would do that.
  16. D

    Close Grip Bench for Triceps?

    You snooze, you lose, partner! :D
  17. D

    Breaking the ice with different races

    Re: Re: I'd like to try and offer some help... plenty of Brazilians down here in Miami...
  18. D

    This is what I call interest level!

    Um.. calm down bro!.... his GIRLFRIEND MADE IT... not him! and yes, I would say you have serious "pvssy control' here. D
  19. D

    Close Grip Bench for Triceps?

    Actually you should do both! Skulls and close grip are the TWO BEST exercises for tri development. Why not try 3 sets of each and then do 2-3 sets of pressdowns...? BTW you should do the pressdowns with the bar - it lets you push more weight... more weight = more muscle. D
  20. D

    How many pounds do you usually lift?

    If you are lifting for mass... you have to lift heavy. period. i.e. you have to give yourself enough recovery time to continue to lift heavy on your subsequent sets. I find all this "no-rest" "intense workout" bullshyt for mass purposes... it is a fitness' rags fancy way of describing...