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    o btw to add to that, she dosent go to my school but a differnt one, is in grade 11 where as i am in gr 12
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    alright well prom went alright. i dident get to makeout with any girls or get hooked up like i wanted to. the girl i invited im currently trying to start somthing with so anyways the entire evening she dident seem too entusiastic as ive seen her to be before but she said it was cause she was on...
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    whats crossfit?
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    girl older? can i game?

    my birthdays just late in the year, i start college/university in september, also they go to the same university that i do.
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    girl older? can i game?

    im 17, so all the girls at my work are older then me, i work at the front desk of a gym and there all hot, there is one girl i like in perticular, she is 21. anyone think it may be possible to game her? 17 to 21 or too much of an age diff? also is it possible to game older girls in general?
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    Abbotsford BC Canada, and lower mainland

    anyone? some wingmaning?
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    Beautiful British Columbia Canada ( BC )

    abbotsford here
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    Vancouver DJ'S

    i live in abbotsford, lowermainland,
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    My First Self Improvement Journal

    Good luck, hope to see some good progress posts on this thread:)
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    LJBF ing a Girl in A Good Way?

    haha wow this is one i acually dont have uch advice on what to do. Id just prob tell the girl how i feel, like your not ready for a relationship quite at the moment or somthing like that. Im in grade 12 lol and i hope for the day when i have more problems with rejecting girls and stuff lol :P...
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    my girlfriend and her guy best friend

    3some??? just an option maybe;)
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    How to meet girls at informal dances

    this is my new technique ive devloped recently, find a group of girls dance, maybe introduce and grind and whatever :P works for me . get numbers after
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    Gym likes/dislikes

    So i recently just started working at the front counter of my gym and its pretty great, but I feel like I want to help improve things and make it even better then it is. So the question is what do you like or dislike about the gym you go to? and why? (how they do things, towel services, spas...
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    Oh fvck my prom date can't make it

    lmao:crackup: , i cant belive were going with this escort answer
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    Oh fvck my prom date can't make it

    go by yourself even if you cant get another date.
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    I'm going to stop procrastinating!

    well i ended up asking a girl to another thing that worked, but not prom ill try again tommorw but tommorw... lol
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    I'm going to stop procrastinating!

    Im doing this too!! tommorw all **** hits the fan! today is tuesday tommorw is wednesday ill let u all know how my plan goes
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    NEED ANSWER ASAP! help plz?

    Thanks alot for all the advice guys, especially Wolf and SinJester. I had fergotten about that lesson from Pook. It all makes sense now and is clear! the msn thing was somthing ive tried to get away from, talking to girls on there is harder and you cant allways convey what your trying to say...
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    getting over bad days

    what if we dont have any friends like that? I was thinking working out to death might help me im going to try that. or obsessing myself over one skill i want to prefect. or go running till i pass out. somthing along the lines of. that maybe?
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    NEED ANSWER ASAP! help plz?

    well ive known her all of high school but only really started hanging out in the last few weeks. i just cant seem to have friends that are girls, if they have stuff in common with me and resonably attrative i tend to allways fall for them :confused: . One thing about this that annoyed me alot is...