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  1. D

    Why are some men just better at life

    Well, I hope I don't get flamed for this, but I might as well tell the truth. Here is how it went: Me, big white bouncer looking guy gets stopped by cute white girl with nice a55. I'm dancing with her for about 20 minutes and we are hitting it off great until a ghetto black dude comes up and...
  2. D

    Why are some men just better at life

    I would like to add that some people don't really just don't have to try at life, their life is already set out for them and success comes from nothing other than just waking up in the morning. For instance, I recently met a girl who will be graduating from college this semester. She comes...
  3. D

    Why are some men just better at life

    Well, I suppose that denial is also a common human emotion:crackup: Thanks for demonstrating that for us.
  4. D

    Why are some men just better at life

    So, basically, life isn't fair? yep... You either are born with potential that exceeds other men or you aren't. Its a pretty standard concept that is not politically correct, but often explains the success of very successful people. In short, they succeed because they were supposed to. You...
  5. D

    The hotter a girl is, the more likely she is to **** you.

    Hey Fury I have been going out to clubs and doing the whole "picking up chics" thing for years. The short answer is: You are right. I find that the hot girls are not only looking for sex implicitly, but they really just want a male to come up and make it happen. They don't want to...
  6. D

    Reality Check

    ghey... way to just copy what everyone else is saying and change a few words to make it look like you thought of something new. you didn't
  7. D

    Here is the reason to get married... Now with scientific prove.

    Hot young thin girls are sought after. And those are the only ones sought after...this means that if you are a female and you just happened to win the genetic lottery, you are a prize whether you like it or not. Conversely, the unattractive women are not sought after, and there are vastly more...
  8. D

    Here is the reason to get married... Now with scientific prove.

    Fantastic! Its common knowledge that everyone wants a 25 yr old college girl with a smoking body above all else. Though I begin to wonder if these unattractive females who are "successful" are simply guaranteeing that they are bred out of the gene pool.
  9. D

    I'm officially over "looks" after seeing this couple.

    its just a fat chic and a nerd...they are perfect for each other. Get over it.
  10. D

    To the Sex gods... men who like to dominate... question

    Yeah, I wasn't aware that there was such a book. I thought you were speaking figuratively.
  11. D

    Philosophy prevents me from getting job, what are my options?

    Enamdar: All philosophy at its core is reduced to this: The primary function of all human beings is to continuously consume natural resources until they are gone and then consume each other. Simplifying further: All humans destroy. If you are not destroying something, you are not...
  12. D

    To the Sex gods... men who like to dominate... question

    Hm... Honestly, it sounds like you are not a 'sex god'. It shouldn't really take much effort on your part to make her orgasm...and if it does...well, I might consider another career path. Though I'm positive that isn't what you wanted to hear. When I allow a female to f me, I don't really...
  13. D

    ****.....Got the shiit beat out of me

    What makes a difference is if he goes to the police. If he does not and chooses to handle things himself (like I would do), I would first go get a can of pepper spray and a steel pipe and beat the ex-bf to an inch of his life after spraying him so that he can't defend himself, then, text the...
  14. D

    Looks, money, or status. Which one FTW and why?

    I saw your picture on your profile and yeah-- you are a lot more attractive than I am. I don't look like I should be on film like you do, unless they were looking for someone who looks like he should punch random people for fun. If I was you, I would ditch the film/tv roles thing and just be a...
  15. D

    Looks, money, or status. Which one FTW and why?

    So let me ask you something simple. Have you tried the status route? Most males find that the most effective way to get females to like them.
  16. D

    Looks, money, or status. Which one FTW and why?

    I live closer to SF now, and I will tell you that its pretty wack trying to pick up girls there. Everywhere I went in sf I was surrounded by at least 5 guys to one girl. Its a cool place to go out if you already have a girl with you. But, you also were in San Diego-- that is the most...
  17. D

    Do you notice niches

    I like how you just copied and pasted a wikipedia entry in an effort to assert your superiority. It is you who are exhibiting the Dunning-Kruger! Allow me to present an alternative wikipedia entry which explains your internal conflicts. Truly, reading others' wikipedia entries...
  18. D

    Looks, money, or status. Which one FTW and why?

    girls are not 300 level courses, they are easy to figure out.
  19. D

    Do you notice niches

    Nah, I just think that people get whatever is in their social hierarchy. Obviously, if you are a nerd, you can't get a super hot sales girl with a perfect body because you won't satisfy her. So, you settle for the librarian type girl because that is what you can get. Likewise, the football...
  20. D

    Looks, money, or status. Which one FTW and why?

    This is an interesting viewpoint. It reminds me of the many guys I meet who "have" a hot girlfriend, but sort of wither into the background when an alpha male comes and talks to her. The guy knows that I am ripping her vag1na apart when she comes to my house, but chooses to ignore it and...