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  1. D do you measure up women?

    10 pro model = I have to bring brass knuckles if I'm out with her, because I WILL get into at least 1 fight. 9-6 = Guys can't help but stare, maybe try to talk to her and get her number when I am not right next to her. no brass knuckles required 5-0 = all the other girls, other males don't...
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    If a guy is short, skinny (BC of cancer), and broke he can't get the girls.

    +1 on the no thinking about chics while you have cancer thing. Your life is yours now, you don't live to entertain females. Hate comes from a failure to understand. You don't understand women, therefore you hate them--pretty common actually. First things first, concentrate on your own...
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    "You have competition"

    You know, if you took the a55hole route (which most girls profess they don't like, but really like inside) You could just have said: so do you... And leave it at that. Already this girl has let you know that she thinks she is too hot for you, or that she has better options, so why give her...
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    Yeah, When I was younger and hotter I did that stuff all the time, I even did a 4some (where you switch girls with another guy) and came to the realization that I don't really like it that much. Its just another one of those fantasies that guys who have never done it think about all the...
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    Are sexually aggressive, but unattractive, men considered "creepy"?

    about this subject, I drive by the Facebook headquarters every day at work. Let me tell you something-- when the ugliest possible guy drives out of facebook with a brand new Audi R8 v10... do you think that ALL cute women simply redefine that guy as "hot"? Of course they do, there is so much...
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    Would you date a former fattie?

    honestly, there is no such thing as a former fattie. Its only a matter of time until they reverse course and begin to look like they did before. Females like this are what is known as "evolutionary dead ends", meaning, they are not supposed to reproduce because their kids will simply become...
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    I just had (yet another) epiphany

    Interesting anecdote about the chic from your AA meeting. Want to know a secret? I did the same thing at my DUI class a couple years ago with the hottest girl in there. In that occurence, the roles were reversed. At the time I was an executive and had all sorts of money from multiple...
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    I just had (yet another) epiphany

    really? Wow, your capacity for exposition astounds. I especially like the part where you say that horses are not THAT expensive. Well, then you just agreed with me and betrayed your own argument. You what else is not THAT expensive? Private jets. Any hobby that attracts females is...
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    I just had (yet another) epiphany

    Backbreaker, while you claim that being into horse racing is "interesting" and all that, it really can be filed under "being rich". Additionally, I am surprised that you just figured this out... Do you have any idea how expensive equestrian sports are? Women like horses for one reason---...
  10. D

    Should an alpha man just demand polygyny?

    You are missing the point. The rich guy doesn't give a f about who the hot girl f's when he isn't there. (she actually wanted to f me when I stayed at her house a while ago, but that is another story) He can afford to house every hot female in an entire city if he wanted to. What matters is...
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    How do I spin plates ethically and honestly?

    I find that most women are OK with a male who has other women in his life when first meeting her. Girls know when there have been women at your house when they come over. Its not rocket science for them-- mostly it means that they have found a man who is at least successful with women...
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    Should an alpha man just demand polygyny?

    burroughs has the right answer. As an alpha male, you should not have to demand anything. You just get to do it and the girl has to get over it. No discussion required. No feelings required. In a very practical sense, wealthy business owners hire lots and lots of hot girls at their...
  13. D

    Once they've been fat they will return

    Unfortunately for most males nowadays who aren't rich, attractive or famous, life IS 100% dark. The fact that websites as this one even exist is more than enough proof. The touchy feely "you can still get her if you control the frame" only works when there aren't any meatheads like me around...
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    Once they've been fat they will return

    standing curl. no bench. no preacher. Show me a small guy curling 200 while standing and I will believe you..."coach" Its hard to believe your claims.
  15. D

    Once they've been fat they will return

    Hey Backbreaker, I hate to break this to you, but from your description, you are not in "unbelieveable" shape. You are in good shape for the average small guy. Virtually all guys your size and wieght have no problem doing what you do simply because they don't weigh very much and therefore...
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    Having to see the ex and trying to save face

    Except that "complete uncaring indifference" does not exist in the real world. It only exists in theoretical discussions which don't involve real people. In the real world, people have emotions.
  17. D

    Brazil mulls ban on lingerie-clad Gisele Bunchen ad

    Do realize that there are two types of women in Brazil: 1. Rich white women who try to own everything. You never get to see those women as they are hopping from building to building in helicopters to avoid the poor people (Brazil is home to the worlds largest helicopter fleet) 2. Poor...
  18. D

    A quick one: chick's friend asking me for a date

    It is possible that the only reason that the 9 was out was to help her ugly friend get a cute guy, and the 9 is truly not available to you. Go for the hot girl only, ignore the ugly one. Ugly girls are used to being ignored and pushed to the side by attractive guys.
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    Having to see the ex and trying to save face

    Mav has it right: You can either bring a girl who looks hotter than your ex or don't go. Bringing a hotter girl than her will **** with her mind and ruin her day. Going alone just reinforces her thoughts that she was better than you anyways and will ruin your day. I wouldn't want to...
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    Question for DJs who are homeowners

    I find that most girls are just really surprised when they find out that I have a house. Its usually a " own this house?" But I don't tell females anything about my house until after I sleep with them at it. I haven't noticed an increase in interest level, but I have noticed that...