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  1. K

    30 seconds is all it takes

    Good video. Overly simplistic version of one of life's greatest philosophies, but it's just what the average person needs. I made a DVD for my mom, she could really benefit from it.
  2. K


  3. K

    30 seconds is all it takes

    If i had to pick the coolest little contribution i've made to the community, this would be it: the 30-second approach. This is, and always has been, my favorite type of approach, both because it's by far the most effective one i've found, and because it allows for so much flexibility and...
  4. K


    Just stumbled into this article again :) I'm gonna update and revise it over the next couple of days.
  5. K

    Mastery of seduction is mastery of love

    Man oh man... almost 1.5 years later and this is STILL the most important thing i've ever learned about seduction, or life in general for that matter. That Mandino quote is... EVERYTHING.
  6. K

    LR: Made my ex break up with her bf via txt/sms

    Uh, she broke up with him in real life. Read the post again. But yea, that night went horribly, horribly wrong. He ended up calling her and she started crying and saying she feels guilty and can't do anything with me so soon. God, i had forgotten how much i hate drama! Last time i'm putting...
  7. K

    Cheating ass b*tch?

    Wait, so she told another guy that she LOVES him and you're... not sure how to contfront this? Here's a pair of Nike's. RRRUNNN! That's how you confront it :)
  8. K

    indicators of interest what ones are cool?

    This... is... irrelevant. IRRELEVANT.
  9. K

    confidence inbalance happen to even the best DJS?

    For the BEST men (this is a group so small that i can't think of anyone in the seduction community who belongs in it, as those who attain such heights usually leave this old "shell" behind), the concept of confidence doesn't exist. They just ARE. There is no fear, no doubt. There is air. There...
  10. K

    what do you do with girls that use guys to boost their confidence

    Nothing. You do NOTHING with them. Let them come to you and PROVE that they genuinely desire you. If they fail to do so, WALK.
  11. K

    is her not calling me a sign shes shy? or NI?

    Not even reading this crap. WHO CARES? Worry about what's in YOUR head. There's an entire UNIVERSE in there that would take you a hundred lifetimes to explore. HOW can you possibly justify spending your precious time on figure out what SHE is thinking. WHO CARES?
  12. K

    "Stealing" girlfriends

    Karma brother, karma. I could write an entire guide on this, but... karma. If you're gonna do it, make SURE it's in HER best interests. If she's truly happy and in love, do NOT do it or you'll suffer for it. If you KNOW she'd be happier with you, well then... have FAITH in that and in yourself...
  13. K

    Just a thought..

    I drive a really fast 2-seater and skydive. This has... nothing to do with anything. Women do find the adventurous/reckless personality traits attractive, but you can still have them and not have women... or have all the women. This isn't a deciding factor.
  14. K

    Weird State of Mind

    Do whatever makes YOU feel happy. If YOU want a relationship, go for it! :)
  15. K

    Did you feel more confident about yourself

    Different. Definitely differenct. Calmness. Faith.
  16. K

    what the hell happened.....?

    "You're talking to him?! Back off, i was here first!" :D Hahah, but really... who cares? Maybe she's testing you to see if you get all confused (if that's the case, she succeeded), or maybe it was just a random remark. But really... WHO CARES?
  17. K

    LR: Made my ex break up with her bf via txt/sms

    Yea, so she texts me yesterday saying hi, etc. This is after 2mo of complete post-breakup silence. I never contacted her after the initial emails we exchanged in the first two days. Last time i talked to her, i just said 'have a great summer,' etc. Anyway, after getting the txt, I immediately...
  18. K

    Recently broken up girl and facebook

    Um... msg her, say you'd like to hang out sometime and ask for her #.
  19. K

    I look too does she mean.

    Yea, it will, because being 24, you're gonna go for 20-28 year old chicks, who aren't gonna want to date someone who looks 17. Get some stylish clothes, perhaps an earring, etc. *shrug* I dunno how you can look 17 at 24, unless you're like 5'4, skinny as a twig and walk around in a pair of baggy...
  20. K

    REPLACE Your Thoughts!

    This doesn't contradict what i said. Once again, i said that every human being has FULL control of his mind. His DECISION to live in a place where there is little sunlight and/or a lot of negative people, was the product of his MIND. He is STILL controlling his mind, and controlling his life as...