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  1. D

    Thinking about majoring in CIS, any thoughts?

    Seems that they dodged a major bullet here! :D
  2. D

    "Sexual State" leading to sex=LMR/buyers remorse?

    Ohh man!! Thank YOU! :rockon: :woo: :cheer:
  3. D

    "Sexual State" leading to sex=LMR/buyers remorse?

    I wonder why a woman would choose me or anyone else just because. So if a woman rejects me cause she has another better prospect she is now a hor? LOL! Very convenient. Let's learn to handle rejection shall we? Yawn... Send Osama bin Laden some love, OK? So WTF are you doing here?
  4. D

    Guy Gets a Vasectomy..GF Gets Pregnant...Total Ownage

    *Rollo Tomassi mode on* Condition and opportunity, condition and opportunity.
  5. D

    "Sexual State" leading to sex=LMR/buyers remorse?

    Why I am not surprised? :crackup: Keep talking! This way we can find out how far your prejudice go. Maybe I find your comments strange cause I personally know some (not many) good women as to not think every woman in the world is a "hor"? Maybe.
  6. D

    Guitar for a beginner?

    Anything. You'll regret it no matter what. :crackup: It's the natural progression. As you learn, you'll find flaws in it. And if you get really interested you'll research more and ifnd another one which fits you. That will be your second guitar.
  7. D

    Anybody who knows something about computers...

    The upgrade you described in your first post is fine. If you're getting the components cheaply, it's really worth a shot. Seems that you don't care too much for performance and have more important things to do with your money. Give it a shot!
  8. D

    MOVIES... do you guys know any cool dj movie's

    Be Cool :crackup:
  9. D

    Thinking of getting WoW

    My brother just got a trial period for WoW and now he is glued on the chair. Can't leave the PC even to take a piss! :crackup:
  10. D

    Anybody who knows something about computers...

    Mine is 1.6ghz with 256mb of ram and runs just fine. Get this one you described and you will be able to use Internet applications just fine. You can run some games, but that would depend of the video card.
  11. D

    Dysfunctional Family HELP ASAP

    Sure! From what I heard, food here is a lot cheaper than in USA, for example. So do I... :)
  12. D

    Question for the guys who would like to be in a relationship.

    Yes I do. Family oriented: respect her family, respect family values, wants to have a family with traditional values. Good habits: does not drink, does not do drugs, down to earth, has reasonable ambitions. Takes care of herself, knows when to shut the fux up, knows when to talk, cares about...
  13. D

    Would you do the Bald Britney Spears

    BTW, no hair = lesbo.
  14. D

    Would you do the Bald Britney Spears

    All this and I still have to endure her sh1tty music... fvck no.
  15. D

    Anthony Ellis claims he got this big naturally

    I don't know. All I know is that his program is good. Yes I have it.
  16. D

    I'm going to be SO FAT. You just wait.

    Thank god your country is not mine LOL!!!! Well, she was just on today's newspaper cover. Carnaval stuff, you know. Gotta have some eye candy these days... :D
  17. D

    Dysfunctional Family HELP ASAP

    And they still work less and earn more than in their home countries. Trust me, I know TONS who would LOVE to go to USA. People who work in rural areas, work all day long, HARD work, earn something like US$ 45 per month, without no government support (illegal job). See if your "3 times less"...
  18. D

    OK guys, I'm frickin PISSED......

    Underage Poster in the Mature Man forum poster is 20 years old
  19. D

    Dysfunctional Family HELP ASAP

    Damn, high school graduates earn quite well in USA. If you get something like R$ 600 (US$ 286) per MONTH around here, consider yourself lucky.