She gives you her number and you're all wrapped up in something she *SAID*?
I will give you this man, it took me forever to understand this and it's really powerful: Do NOT get wrapped in anything a woman says. You just ignore it and keep doing what you want.
Work based on FACTS, not WORDS...
LOL this forum is funny lately, I wonder WTF happened. I was not far for so long...
I expect nothing from anyone. Everyone do WTF they want. But I am free to react as I wish too. I like to having my c0ck sucked and if a woman does not want to do that, I am out. Luckily every one of them loved...
Tough ass.
Thank you again for another lesson of economics. Sadly, I am not going to sue you, can't afford a lawyer... my country is poor and I am waiting for a government donation. :rolleyes: -- no wait you said it wouldn't change sh1t. Damn I am lost now :cry:
...all this fuzz just to say...
Of course not!
Can't you think of something else?
For example, I like to fix my car. Also, I go cycling every now and then and read a lot.
It's really anything, you just have to be doing something that entertains you, taking some of your attention from women.
There are many things you can...
*takes a deep breath*
Let's go.
"I gaurantee that if the government decided to hand out 100 million dollars to EVERYONE in the country, you would be jumping up and down and cheering like you are now about slvts."
"Little do you know that by giving everyone 100 million dollars...
Uh, so sweet! Here, a cookie!
Aren't you just amazing?
How old are you?
Keep yourself in a cloud and maybe you'll not get hit when they try to kick your balls.
If my girlfriend does not "like" giving bl0wjobs I would find one that does, simply because by that I know I am not high rated on her scale.
There's no such thing with women. Her likings are very conditioned to the status of the male she's dealing with.
Low status: I do not like nothing. Maybe...
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