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  1. D

    Nice Girls?! (repost from Rollo Tomassi)

    This guy is my hero.
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    Anyone else prefer 7's & 8's to the 9's & 10's

    Taking the conditions you mentioned, any guy who choose the uglier one has self-esteem issues.
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    Are M.U.D.s geeky?

    And don't forget to bring up how much porn movies you have downloaded last weekend. Duh. None of these are good subjects to talk about, as they're a personal experience and do not bring good rapport. But quitting doing something you like just because it's not "good" for a perceived...
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    sad sad day at work

    Wow, girls who gives expensive gifts... haven't been with one for a while. Maybe that's why I need some new clothes. :crackup:
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    How to get high status and people to respect me?

    I know where you are coming from, keep that in mind. Sorry, but there is not really a magic pill for that. Are you getting what you want? I mean, what are your current status in the things you give value to? I don't know what are they. You may want money, a big car and lots of bling-bling...
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    Anyone else prefer 7's & 8's to the 9's & 10's

    Nothing prevents a 7 from being a pain in the azz and a 10 to treat you like a king -- too many things influence this. Hell, I know some 4's that think they're the best thing since sliced bread. The woman has to pass the visual inspection. And after that I still expect good treatment. About...
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    Advice from an Old man to the Young Men

    LOL I agree that we have nothing to feel guilty about. But from what I see around me (and I definitely can be wrong, as my experience is mine), most men I know do not achieve much not because they're man, but because they're too busy chasing girls and shiny stuff to impress them...
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    For the men: honestly, if you could never be caught, would you cheat on your gf?

    I would like to add that, although I said I would not and explained why, and I stand up to that, I have no doubt that a chick would do it to me if conditions arised. I agree with titties. This is man talk: chicks do not have to care about this. They get away with almost everything. If a woman...
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    Are M.U.D.s geeky?

    That was a good question.
  10. D

    Anyone running Windows Vista?

    This guy got mad at that sh1t! It must give a lot of headaches LOL!
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    Porn has completely destroyed me

    I laughed my ass off when I found this article, but still, it IS true. You know, that was the thing that really SHOCKED me when I found this forum. I was conditioned to give importance to some things and neglect others (such as hotness), cause it was "shallow". I ended up getting with UGs and...
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    Porn has completely destroyed me

    :crackup: !!! Here is the link.
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    My girlfriend

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    For the men: honestly, if you could never be caught, would you cheat on your gf?

    When I commit to something I do everything that I can to make sure I honor my part of the commitment. That, or I just refuse to commit.
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    Causes of Oneitis

    I don't know why, but I thought this thread was in the Mature Man forum and I was not answering because of that. Well... :) One thing I noticed with some people I know is that usually they're also trying to fill some void in themselves. I have a friend who is a REAL AFC with his...
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    Time to upgrade computer: Vista or XP?

    I thought it was meant to be a plug-n-play version of linux? Like you did not have to mess around with too much configurations. I may be wrong, still. I did it all the last time I messed around with Linux... but it was Slackware. For me it's the best one. If I have to go old school and...
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    Alright suckas...I'm rockin my new hairpiece and LOVIN' it!

    Therein lies one of my biggest problems concerning this board: Why some people here think it's BAD to do things such as a hairpiece? Or antidepressants, to give another example? If your life gets BETTER, what IS the problem? They get all theories on why it's this or that but still, the person...
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    Time to upgrade computer: Vista or XP?

    XP Home Edition. It has everything you need without some of the junk XP Pro has. Vista is too new. That means performance and hardware/software support is not great yet. Better wait some more before jumping to it.
  19. D

    Tam Tam Tam: The girl that likes you that everyone likes except you! curse

    Take out the "probably" out of this quote, substitute "very little" for "no" and it's perfect.