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  1. D

    "Why don't I get women?"

    In the past I kept asking myself this question. Why? And now, some years later, I definitely can see the pattern. I have more women than I know what to do with when I... can't have them. I have success when women become a problem. Something that will interfere with a goal (or some...
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    The Choice Between Being and Becoming: Motivation for the Skinny Guys

    Survivor is, without doubt, one of the best posters of this forum.
  3. D

    This thread will make you hungry.

    Strong brazilian coffee in the morning. Now I've just finished a huge cup of water. :D
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    No more head when in a "relationship."

    Exactly! Guys get all clingy on the girl and suddenly she knows she does not have to do anything. The trading terms are ALWAYS changing and you have to be sure that they are fair!
  5. D

    Social proof important or no?

    Social proof makes things easier. Say you're going to buy a car. You're in doubt which car you get. Then a friend comes and say X car is amazing! Does not break easily, has great gas mileage and awesome engine power. You may not hurry to buy the car X, but you surely see it in a new perspective.
  6. D

    Double her interest level with one kiss...

    This stuff IS powerful! :up:
  7. D

    telling chicks your not interested

    YO FRANCIS! :crackup: I laughed hard reading this!
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    It's no secret: "The Secret" and the "Law of Attraction" are BULLSH*T

    I recently broke my right leg and felt really bad. Dealing with the consequences of it made me put SO much things in perspective I now think this is being a very good experience! Reality IS created. My aunt is a very nice person and all, but her life SUCKS!!! Just today I was observing her...
  9. D

    Yo yo who is having a good weekend?

    My motto is Tommy Lee's: never a dull moment! :) I can't go out cause I am with my right leg all immobilized (I've broken two lower leg bones), but still I find my own way to have fun here in my bedroom. I'm reading like I never did and become a bigger headed guy. I'm also putting my diet in...
  10. D

    This is SICK, we need to GET ACTIVE!

    Yesterday my 20-y.o. friend was saying to me that his LTR of 1 year and 8 months, who is 25, is giving him a very hard time, yet he loves her and is willing to fix their relationship. He even mentioned marrying her... You sum what Bonhomme posted with the story I just told and conclude that...
  11. D

    Post 5 random tips.

    A M A Z I N G! :up: I repeat all he said and dare to add a #6 tip... beware of your body. Do not go breaking bones like I stupidly did! :crackup: The reason? it sucks to depend on others for anything. Relating what I just said to women: masturbation is still better than supplication...
  12. D

    Can someone explain why this guy at my college gets so much a$$?

    Troll Fest #219084109 ? :cry:
  13. D

    Selfishness is GOOD, but you must know how to use it

    We mostly regret financials decisions LATER, thinking that we could have done better. But we surely made the best thing we could the time we made it. Well, that or you learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them again! :) As soon as no one is being FORCED to do anything (like a gun...
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    Women using sex to get ahead discussion.

    Most do not finish college, that I can say for sure :crackup: Seriously now... good advice!
  15. D

    Gas Attack!!

    Muthafvcka whey protein almost killed my social self! :crackup:
  16. D

    Posting on Good Looks Do They Matter = Immediate Ban Search for hot girls. You all need some good old tension relief :crackup:
  17. D

    Porn has completely destroyed me

    Yes, but it's definitely out of my control. I prefer to get with the program than to be left out the party. We are in different countries and all, but sorry to say, it already happen around here. It's not just with hotties either. In fact, any girl with a minimum of male attention drops...
  18. D

    The game has changed.

    :up: All the selfishness, all the victim mentality, all the rage... it HAD to come out somehow. These little male dolls created by single mother who wanted a "nice son"... when (and if) this guys discover WTF happened, they will get angry, of course. Yes the game has changed. I'll just let...
  19. D

    Porn has completely destroyed me

    Adapt or die. Just like they did with us. I am too fine with that! :) Yes. Finally! Totally agree! I see this dynamic (and all the others, in fact) you point out every fuggin day at college. I don't know if you remember when I posted this back in the day, but it's still going on...
  20. D

    Selfishness is GOOD, but you must know how to use it

    I have some good example. I remember not too long ago when I had a car that only gave me headaches. I decided to sell it, and asked for X, but I really wanted to get rid of it, and money was not a problem. Guy came, offered Y (like 20% less than I asked) and I willfully accepted. To...