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  1. D

    Hey fellows!

    Well, we do our best, you know... :yes: Now seriously, I may have to cut off a little on this thing, I have work to do!! And 2 hours/day/chick is a LOT of time! :cheer: to everyone!
  2. D

    Whats your guys take on Capoeira?

    And the women who engage in this sh1t are so damn HOT.
  3. D

    Woman's Point of View

    Tittyman rocks! Seriously, WTF? I just started having some success when I decided I would go balls off and just make her know I want to fvck her. So she can get with the program or get out. And we both are fine if things don't happen. And surprisingly enough, many women were flattered with that...
  4. D

    Hey fellows!

    Off for a while... yaaaay great things happened! My life is amazing right now. Nothing in this world beat the power of options... trust me. Better yet, trust RT, the MAN! I didn't know I could do so WELL... as soon as I could drop a woman in a heartbeat and go after another, stuff happened...
  5. D

    Do you lead an interesting life?

    "Do you lead an interesting life?" After 21+ years, yes. When I dropped the idea that I should fit in, meet some unknown "expectation", I was finally free. Everyone wants you. You may be a bum, but you do have something someone wants to take advantage of. When you live your life by your own...
  6. D

    Top Ten Rules of Life

    Wow! I was off for a while. Nice to take some air around the world... I did so many things with my life, meet so many people, saw many new places... damn, you all ought to turn the computer off for a while! :) Well... I learned some things: 1) Listen to the older. 2) Listen to what people...
  7. D

    Quotes about women from masters

    That's going to my sig.
  8. D

    Oh man, drunk gf what to do...?

    All good... That's what you get when you say it's good enough, lol :D Am I missing something here? Some is not fitting well here... Something is definitely not fitting well here... The bigger problem here is WTF WERE SHE DOING drinking mad amounts without you around? Still...
  9. D

    Bisexual Half Man Half WOMAN

    What The Fvck Is That Sh1t?
  10. D

    plumbing i need answers and folks wanting me to, the trades

    You americans have no idea how much opportunities you've got. Cherish that.
  11. D

    radio telecast talking about what is wrong with "the Secret"

    My conclusion about this topic is very simple: You either get it or you do not. The end.
  12. D

    Women have it easy - it's always like this?

    You are dead right when you say you have to improve yourself right now. The point is just NOT waiting. We have to realize that it's more wise to invest in yourself now than spent your youth chasing girls only to find out later that it is worthless, considering that you'll have amazing success...
  13. D

    Music will teach you what ya need to know, little one.

    I feel you on that one. It baffles me too! How come? So suddenly her "job" got sooo tiring no? Well, why before all the commitment and the AFCness all tiredness in the world wasn't enough for her to keep her legs closed? LOL... some guys just see what they want to. It's nice to rely on some...
  14. D

    Women have it easy - it's always like this?

    Sadly, after toilet paper scores, it always gets NEXTed. :( :crackup:
  15. D

    Women have it easy - it's always like this?

    Well, from the current trend of "does it sucks to be a mature men regarding women" threads on SoSuave I thought BUMPing this thread would be nice, as it has some pretty good perspectives about that.
  16. D

    Would you eat a fat person?

  17. D

    radio telecast talking about what is wrong with "the Secret"

    I second that. With an extra T :)
  18. D

    No Relationship, No Sex?

    LMAO!!!!! This, and some guys still can't grasp WTF is REALLY going when it comes to the "wait for sex" issue. As I always have to mention... I love this board! :cheer:
  19. D

    No Relationship, No Sex?

    A M E N .