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  1. J

    From Player to Pu$$Y: Who here can relate to this?

    Rollo: My other plates just arent comparing right now..but Im not so naive as to think there are not others who compare to this girl. As such, I guess its not pure 'oneitis' per se, but notions of infatuation. Latino: She is 25. You might be right about her being a con woman. Regardless, I'm...
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    From Player to Pu$$Y: Who here can relate to this?

    my goodness, i think i just found my holy grail:
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    from Player to Pu$$Y: Who here can relate to this?

    my goodness, i think i just found my holy grail:
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    From Player to Pu$$Y: Who here can relate to this?

    hahaha, that is some 'classic' advice if ive ever heard it..good to see u dude
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    from Player to Pu$$Y: Who here can relate to this?

    Bro-heems, I havent posted in ages, but a recent situation or circumstance reads as such..I dont think Im looking for advice per se, but rather an outlet. My current sitch; I'm a 26 year old dj/personal trainer living in MTL. As it stands right now, I am spinning 6 plates pretty...
  6. J

    From Player to Pu$$Y: Who here can relate to this?

    Bro-heems, I havent posted in ages, but a recent situation or circumstance reads as such..I dont think Im looking for advice per se, but rather an outlet. My current sitch; I'm a 26 year old dj/personal trainer living in MTL. As it stands right now, I am spinning 6 plates pretty routinely...
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    Help me get big while training mma

    that sounds like a great plan:up:
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    How many girls have u done?

    "I wont hit u with any elbows when I mount you." This is the shyt I get to read when i come back here? Lol!
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    6'4...170...need weight?

    I have to admit, as much as I'd like to critique your body, I'm actually much more concerned with the shape of your middle finger lol! WTF is up with that?!?!?1
  10. J

    Would You Bang A 15, 16, or 17 Yr Old?

    If I'm in a state where the legal age is 16 like in Hawaii, I'm sorry if some overdeveloped, hot horny, teen comes up to me and she wants to "get in the bed." Then I'm doing a "Trent Reznor," on her young, nasty, ass. 15 is my personal cut off. In my opinion a 15 yr old is closet to a child...
  11. J

    I want to start an adventure tourism company..who's in?

    all very good ways to help me out.... I understrand the very 1st step willl probably be the actually materialize this dream into a full blown reality and be prepared to work long and hard for it...just to get off my ass and DO IT! This will be the 1st time I actually make...
  12. J

    I want to start an adventure tourism company..who's in?

    legit concern If I have to focus on a more affluent demographic, so be it. I'd be expecting a lot of parents to sponsor their kids' trip with us. At the same time, I know many 25-28 year olds who have made considerable amounts of cash independently. I wanted to mention as well that these...
  13. J

    I want to start an adventure tourism company..who's in?

    Hey all, I actually haven't been on the board lately due mostly to the fact that i had been busy gallivanting around Asia for 9 months. The trip was awesome, inspiring, and very motivational. So much, in fact, that i've recently become interested in starting an adventure tourism company here...
  14. J

    cutting off contact with an ex?

    dont know how old this thread is but.... I can relate. My ex came up from new jersey to mtl for the weekend to have a mini reunion with her uni friends... Seeing her totally brought back some of those "feelings" (ewww) and even more memories that I felt I was already so over...
  15. J

    Need Advice..ex keeps calling

    manomanomanomanoman! Shes your EX, correct? I have to beg the question anyone with any sort of intuition would ask? Why on earth do u care so much? Why on earth should u care so much? Dont be concerned with girls taking control from now on. Worry about your EGO taking control...
  16. J

    The end of an era. Black_Italian AKA Ninja finally has a GF

    Dude....WTF? You seem to have this heightened sense of self importance, think you're god's gift To women (NO PUN intended) are a next level mack machine etc etc yet you cant help but litter your post with an inexcusably obnoxious question that reeks with associations like "amateur"...
  17. J

    Found some pictures "send em ASAP" says the curious little monkey...
  18. J

    Basically cannot ejaculate?

    do u take propecia?
  19. J

    How a pimp talk to biatches! (VIDEO)

    wow, I just watched it again (don't ask why) and I have to say I feel angry. I feel like I want to break that kid's jaw. sorry.