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  1. B

    Alphas - Good heart or no heart?

    I like names answer
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    For Love or Money? Need advice.

    The guys who brings the negative out of the woman are simply misery morons who have failed miserably.
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    how the hell do you meet new people?

    Then what do you find interesting?
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    For Love or Money? Need advice.

    What to do with money? As long as you have love, there is nothing else that you need. Money is simply just some dead paper.
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    Hobbies of a man.

    My one and only hobbie is to create chaos and drama. I find that very very interesting. It's fun and the only way to being evolution to the world. Out of chaos, stars are born. An without destruction, new beginning won't come. So destroying is not making an end to something, it is to make a...
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    If women knew their place, we wouldn't have these problems.

    Man. I need to meet those women. Because as far as in concerned, I have not come across an evil woman. I might need to become a punk looking dude to see their new attitude? It seems like the more I try to make them hate me, the more they start to love me. It is very weird.
  7. B

    If women knew their place, we wouldn't have these problems.

    Nah. You cannot say it will be worse. The world no or Third World War is the worst. So if women dominated, hey have much to go like : caring, loving and those warm qualities
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    Alphas - Good heart or no heart?

    As we know, alphas are the typical not give a **** tupes. But I think alphas has a very warm heart inside them right? I don't think anybody can be a complete person by thinking only of himself. If he has no compassion for others, he is simply selfish.
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    Ghosts are real?

    I don't even know whether we are real anymore.
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    If women knew their place, we wouldn't have these problems.

    Enough of this already! Life is balanced; everyone has good and bad sides. End of story.
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    Ghosts are real?

    What the ****
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    have you seen Blue Valentine? I'll never get married after this

    What is Netflix? Is that a cool site o watch movies?
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    I had a self-realization that happiness bores me...please help.

    Happiness turns into boredom sooner or later. What is evolution? It means that we are constantly growing. Now happiness and sadness is very alike. If you know sadness, then there is possibility to know happiness. It is like when you are forced to fast for a week, to feel hungry fr a week...
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    Do you find "Challenging" women more attractive?

    You guys are makin it too complicated. Go write a whole history of woman or something since you seem to love them so much. Otherwise what is the need to investigate that much? Your whole life you have wasted and you come here thinking like you know something. You have simply invested your life...
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    Girl's "best boy-friend" can easily Be fvucling her..

    Compare the guy in the example with a guy that thinks e knows game. The guy in example is naturally not caring whether the woman is calling him beat friennor no. The guy with game is simply pretending that he does not care because deep down he thinks he has lost because he is 'best friends' aka...
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    Girl's "best boy-friend" can easily Be fvucling her..

    Sometimes I wonder if life is very balanced. This guy seems to be absolutely ignorant of game yet he is so stupid looking. But his natural 'not caring' gives him absolute power. The chick he is best friend with is hot babe 9 and seeing the whole background story of them, they are probably...
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    Girl's "best boy-friend" can easily Be fvucling her..

    Today I learned something new.. It is like saying a girl is just "friends" with her ex..
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    Texting, whatsapp you can't ignore it

    Text or no. Whatever. I can't believe mere words can affect your game so much.
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    How can anybody believe in religion?

    No. Certainly it is not boring. You are simply pretending. What does boring means? It means that it has no significant and no meaning to go on. If that was the case with you, then you would not even have it arise it in your mind.
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    How to keep going?
