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  1. B

    The "if she is interested she will contact you" theory...

    Absolutely. With the theory of passive, women will always be the one waiting and being passive. Even in saying "I love you", she waits for you to say it first. Otherwise the theory of women being passive is absolutely false. Or there is some condtradiction.. Where is the logic men? And I will...
  2. B

    The "if she is interested she will contact you" theory...

    No. It doesnt matter how much a girl likes me. I dont care if anybody likes me or not. It depends on how much I like myself. If you like yourself, other will. And yes it depends on how much you like her too. Without liking her enough, you would not even go out with her.
  3. B

    Stop expecting logical actions and thought from females!

    I have not come across a man who is logical untill the very end. Sooner or later he will fall back and contradicts himself with more stupid rationalizations. Men must have those hormones released inside them too!
  4. B

    attention: Practical DJ rules

    Nobody brings happiness to yourself but yourself. Even money cant do **** if you are fvcked up inside.
  5. B

    A Really Cool Website on Men's Clothing, Building Your Wardrobe, and How to Dress

    His just making money. Ive been following him the last year and a half. He is simply going with the fashion and anybody can go with that. It is nothing more than copycating.
  6. B

    Done with her

    Certainly. That is weird! What date it is.. oh it is 20th october.. That is the date for every breakup man! Looks like Fatal aint sure yet about his break up and looking for logical rationalizations.
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    Done with her

    Who knows? You know your situation the best. Go tell her your reason and say good luck for the future.
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    Are you afraid of success?

    Not afraid of succees - you must be! It is just that there is no succees. Have you ever succeeded?
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    The System vs He's Just Not That Into You

    Certainly. But the people here in this forum wants a successful without any effort. Tell them that what you just told me and they will fight you untill their last breath.
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    The System vs He's Just Not That Into You

    A man who tries to be a challenge for women has already made women a challenge.
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    How inner game can flip the script and Change Your Life

    By saying that don't "pedestalize" women, you have already done it.
  12. B

    Why getting an attractive Western girl is something special (guy whose dated some)

    I skipped after reading the headline and the first sentence so I'm not sure what ur saying but I believe the headline is enough. Here I go: I'm a Vietnamese who was born in a western country a few teen years back. I have dated both my own race and western girl. The only difference I found was...
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    How to stop caring?

    By stop caring about how to stop caring is the first step. The very root is in the worrying about how to stop caring. Do you catch me?
  14. B

    Cities with the best and worst women

    Solo you must Be giant tall, how tall are you and is it cool Being that tall?
  15. B

    Alphas - Good heart or no heart?

    And Manu times it is just out on inagination, our own mind games playing us. We project the other as high value, hence he is being projected as 'alpha'. But I'm sure he takes a **** everyday just like every person on this earth. Like everyone has bad sides or weak sides, alphas has too. They are...
  16. B

    When you're in a relationship. live as if though you're single. Do not love her.

    Yeah. These people seem to have become ill or something. These Pua and so suave things if given to stupid people it makes them more stupid and more illness.
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    Man. You certainly have not seen...
  18. B

    For Love or Money? Need advice.

    We know way too little to give the best advices. I would make her come with me to the city.
  19. B

    Losing virginity on one night stand

    I lost my v and her v in a deep relationship while in deep love. We agreed to wait for a while. It was perfectly worth it and It was the best feeling. The only time it feels bad is after break up where I felt negative feelings towards her completely. But in all honestly I am absolutely grateful...