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  1. D

    Do Girls Ever Distance Themselves from Usher?

    the one experience that i've had with going out with a woman is that when they've checked out of a relationship, they won't come right out and BREAK UP with you... even if that's what they're thinking. my girl just distanced herself and became cold to the point where I popped and escalated an...
  2. D

    "Stealing" girlfriends

    again, personally, i do feel that all's fair in love and war and that morality doesn't really come into play... eros love is anything but altruistic.... but my personal call for karma is related to my interpretation of the biblical call not to judge... it may be because it takes a personal...
  3. D

    seriously WHERE DO YOU GO ON DATES?

    many of you respond PHILISOPHICALLY to questions like this. that it's not hard, wherever, etc. BUT SERIOUSLY - CONCRETE ANSWERS ONLY - WHERE DO YOU GO ON DATES? date after date? - sure, you have lunch at a restaurant. - dinner at a restaurant. - movie - concert - beach day (vball...
  4. D

    Why Did An Aussie Nerd Marry A Fat Ugly Woman

    most people don't believe change is possible. it's difficult AS ALL HECK to imagine that things can be AT ALL DIFFERENT from what you've known YOUR WHOLE LIFE. this is one of the reasons why people are obese and live that way. all previous experience has taught them to live life a certain way...
  5. D

    "The Secret" (Free Google Video)

    why this is true and why it is not mystical: why this is true and why it is not mystical: 1. your focus determines your reality. your world does NOT change. it is as it has always been. but you see things in the world that you're looking for. this is why it does not pay to be pessimistic...
  6. D

    the reason why people shouldnt be homophobes

    "don't hate" and yet, "just a douche bag".... how very progressive.... you don't need a reason not to hate people. people can be prejudiced against you, against me and against gays and the unifying thing about all of them is their ignorance. ever been the object of prejudice...
  7. D

    "I have a boyfriend" ... so what

    nothing to say really... whether it's true or not, it's a pretty stiff strong arm. "pleasure to meet you" and walk away. delta
  8. D

    prostitution should be legal... shouldn't it?

    also, if we make prostitution LEGAL, we can REGULATE IT. meaning, we can control the circumstances in which women get into it... no more human slavery, no more underage girls getting sold into it, etc. LEGALIZATION would cease to make it a scourge.... and only those who decided for themselves...
  9. D

    prostitution should be legal... shouldn't it?

    you are morally objected to it eh? i find your commitment to the amoral, pre-human notion of natural selection to be morally objectionable. it's wierd - you seem to have the sexual morality of a born againer but you're espousing darwinistic concepts too. thanks for being an example: yours...
  10. D

    Cars and Money

    unfortunately, yes, it may not help... but it's one of those things that can really hurt if you don't have it. as you're encountering, it's not everything. you have to be able to create attraction apart from your accoutrements.... also, you may not be using your accoutrements to best effect...
  11. D

    get a girl to open emotionally, but not be used as an emotional tampon?

    i think it's simple, 'emotional tampon' implies that you're getting used and you're not getting what you want out of it. if you're fing her, you're in the clear. the way men determine if they're in a bad place is the state of the sex. if you're taking it out on her hide, you're good. delta
  12. D

    "Stealing" girlfriends

    oh come on, there are a lot of guys here who are doing WELL. it's funny how sometimes, people feel like "why the f is the place so filled with losers" and other times it's "if you've got it all figured out, why are you here?" delta
  13. D

    WE need to make an AFC Forum

    hmph, there does seem to be an elitist streak amongst those who are doing well... but as others have said, seriously what would you guys do and talk about if it really were nothing but alphas? CAGE MATCHES? mutual ego stroke parties...
  14. D

    Gettn UGS numbers (6 & below)

    yeah, 'the game' tends to be amoral... eros is the only love that is completely selfish after all (nobody 'takes one for the team'... you don't get with someone for THEIR benefit). many people use ugs and avg chicks to boost up experience, confidence and exposure even. the whole media idea of...
  15. D

    "Stealing" girlfriends

    love the tagline. well, i genuinely hope then, that you will never find life to be contrary to your conviction. rock on, delta (oh, but you qualify "in your age range"... that creates a situation where something comes at you out of left field so just be aware)
  16. D

    prostitution should be legal... shouldn't it?

    RIGHT... that's another thing. non prostitutes would have to react to the fact that they don't have a monopoly on men. and that competition could lead to some compelling concessions as well... maybe even the butt. hmmmm..... :) delta
  17. D

    prostitution should be legal... shouldn't it?

    :) yeah... "condolences" is apt and right! more power to you man. you got your head in the right place and gettin' chicks and you're young and got your whole life ahead of you AND you can have $20 - $30 dates! the world is your oyster... what the hell are you doing here?! :) rock on...
  18. D

    prostitution should be legal... shouldn't it?

    hahaha... but in this case, some of us are beggin' to pay for it and they won't let us! delta
  19. D

    prostitution should be legal... shouldn't it?

    right... few hundred dollars is the result of lack of market pressure. if we can legalize and get the walmart of prostitution established, we can have a great deal of well made, cheap imports at very affordable prices. not exactly sure that $20-$30 dates would work for me as a 32 year old. as...
  20. D

    "Stealing" girlfriends

    i actually don't have a moral problem with this. but i would like to say "karma". so if you're gonna do it, be aware that you'll have no 'moral high ground' to stand on should it happen to you... cuz as they say, as good as any of us are, there will ALWAYS be better. so if you can live with...