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  1. D

    Posting on Good Looks Do They Matter = Immediate Ban

    i agree with gogl, banning topics is a stupid idea. besides, NO ONE is required to read threads. or participate. this is something that always mystifies me about the notion of banning a topic. all one has to do is this: DON'T READ IT! and if people CHOOSE to waste their time and endlessly...
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    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    gogl, yah. it can be frustrating when people are impervious to at least what seems extremely logical to us. but what can you do? <shrug> live and let live. some people will believe simply what they want or need to believe. no skin off my nose. peace delta
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    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    this is the heart of your argument and it is specious. you say the above in service to your argument - that looks don't matter. but it does not properly argue that. sure, absolutely, if you are not gutsy enough to approach and open your mouth, then you get nowhere. fine. NO ONE CONTESTS...
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    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    you can't honestly believe that. this is why i am saying your argument is specious. break it down into hypothetical PERCENTAGES if you must. what percentage a factor represents in successfully working a chick. looks = X% confidence = Y% personality = Z% clothing = A% grooming = B% hygiene =...
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    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    hey deus, specious arguments. while your looks, shirt and pants (clothing) and chest hair (grooming) do indeed matter, you are MIXING and EQUATING them with the trivial matters of "blue pants" and "born in canada" whose affects on success or failure with women are trivial. and there are...
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    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    right. i TOTALLY understand why someone would F an ugg. that is classic beer goggles or a lonely night. check. the thing that always bewildered me was the "hot guy" dating, going out with, even marrying an ugg. maybe they did take that song to heart "if you wanna be happy for the rest of...
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    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    deus, you're not helping yourself because you take such an extreme position on your argument - that LOOKS DON'T MATTER AT ALL. you've admitted to me in the last post that that's NOT what you really believe. then you can avoid these fiascos by simply stating your true beliefs instead of one...
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    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    <tipping his hat> thank you. delta
  9. D

    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    articulate point drummer. what exactly do you have a problem with? delta
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    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    ALSO- when you say that looks play 0%, you're also denying INDIRECT effects. girls and societal/peer pressure and judgment by others being one we spoke about. but if you're touting confidence as essential, it's really hard to form confidence in a vacuum. isn't it easier to have that...
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    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    deus, i do think you are being disingenuous and dishonest with yourself. in what competitive endeavor in life does appearance NOT matter? from the uniform checks of military to job interviews to meeting parents etc etc etc.... why would this ONE SINGLE AREA OF LIFE be IMMUNE COMPLETELY (as...
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    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    "shallow"? ha. actually, i was thinking about this awhile ago and i was thinking that this kind of lesson, that books shouldn't be judged by their covers, is some of the most destructive things that you can teach children. it is CERTAINLY not the way the world works. appearance counts. what...
  13. D

    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    OH! and while i DO NOT believe that "some guys don't judge a book by its cover", i DO believe that to a certain extent, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". sometimes, some guys find something attractive that another may not. unfortunately, this rarely equates to some guys desperately...
  14. D

    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    hey, he has a girl friend. that's more than can be said for many here. and he's honest. unlike tons of fellows around here that can type a mean game but whose lives are probably wbafc or worse. besides, people hold opinions on all kinds of things that they have no experience with from...
  15. D

    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    deus, thanks. yah, i definitely want to be civil and keep the discussion friendly. actually, i need some clarification. first WBAFC...? i know afc or rafc but not wbafc. second, are you saying that you're with an "unattractive" girl now? i thought what you were saying is that you were...
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    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    deus, you have admitted above that the looks of a chick matter to YOU. so how can you claim occam's razor? also, your version of occam's assumes that the ugg has other valuable traits. but there's another edge to that razor - that there's something seriously wrong with the hottie, which...
  17. D

    Quick (stupid) fashion question

    yah, black undershirt with black shirt actually looks a bit weird. a dark blue or even maroon undershirt would work. no undershirt works too. but a white undershirt is fine and is fine with most colored shirts. delta
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    How do you deal with girls who are impossible to converse with?

    right. your mistake is that you keep trying with this particular chick. WHY? who the f is she? the key to all these questions about "what can i do to make this situation that is not working out better?" is to simply MOVE ON. this might seem premature to you but her lack of "playing ball" is...
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    How to get high status and people to respect me?

    i'm certainly not a bible beater but read old testament proverbs. lots of good lessons on how to behave. i would guess that you talk too much. come off as too eager to please. come off as wanting to be liked and wanting desperately to fit in. "smacks of effort". and if you are thinking and...
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    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    d.e.p., the appearance of women don't matter to you? and the discrepancy between a hot guy and an ugg chick does not strike you as odd? (heck, considering the psychology of the sexes, this is EVEN ODDER than a hot chick with an ugg guy) really? no curiosity for you? cuz it seems to me to...