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  1. T

    The ASD Shield (Strict Discussion)

    Yeah, that portion should probably go into tips as a separate thread. I find that you let them say it, give them a little space and then resume. Usually there is no resistance after that--they just had to get it ("I'm no slvt") on the record before proceeding. The worst thing you can do...
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    Godfather Part 1 and the DJ

    I visited an old flame and her husband + kids over the holidays (15 yrs ago we were an item and have remained very good friends since...) She's never seen the Godfather movies and (ahem) requested this family drama... So we rented this classic. Pacino does a veritable study of what a...
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    Mixed signals; Professional Daters explained!

    Good reply, DJ-AZ. Still, what's Doc Love's full take on this? From what I know, you can tell a great deal from both kino and the kiss test. Anything too smooth is a red flag, any hesitation can be reluctance or sheer nervousness. Most DJs can tell the difference because, frankly, you...
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    Mixed signals; Professional Daters explained!

    What's Docs deeper theory on spotting professional daters? I don't have his system and it's been awhile since I went through his replies on the subject. What I can recall: Date multiple women + kiss test would catch a fair number of professional daters right away...
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    This NEW discussion forum sucks !

    I'm fer it :cool:
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    What do you guys think of calling up a girl whose number i got without her permission

    Your confidence level is your problem, not MOTU's. He basically said read the bible and other materials by giving you a listing where to go. The problem is you had a chance or partial chance to get the number and didn't. Now you have a back-door way of doing it w/o having to do the real work...
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    Evil Chick Trick

    Repeat their name after they give it to you (you're probably shaking hands at this point, right?) You can even make a comment "nice name" or "what is "CC" stand for?" It'll make it easier to remember and if she sees you're making that effort, she'll probably not test you on it 3 minutes later.
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    If you think she's playing games/mixed signals

    I don't recall where I saw it (some DJ tossing off advice, I think..) "The only thing manipulative people understand is you walking away."
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    Valentines Day discussion thread (Merged threads)

    I don't know about Bogota, but in the US, the young women use Valentines Day as a test--as if they have an entitlement to getting a lot of money spent on them, a gift, a romantic dinner, flowers showing up at work, etc. DISCLAIMER: Not all women are this way, quite a few women have level heads...
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    The 1st Step - Overcoming Shyness

    The seduction link doesn't work.
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    Thoughts about David DeAngelo and Double your Dating? [merged threads]

    Didn't those CDs just come out 2 days ago? Anyway, $40 is a little steep but the material is fairly decent. He throws in a few pamphlets which focus on a select areas. I'm not sure how to value it--more expensive than Copeland and what's-his-name, less expensive (and maybe better org'd) than...
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    Judging compatibility for an LTR

    Interesting post. I think it comes from a certain perspective that has grappled with these issues. Princess Spock has taken the pro-active view (poor word choice here, I know...) Yet, I find the majority of people marry for the wrong reasons. A number of people correct their mistakes later...
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    LTR, no sex... 1 year. i get everything else i want (oral etc) HELP I'M GOING MAD!

    Chance is right. BJs, 69s, handjobs and whatever else you think up is sexual activity. So, like, dude, 'splain to me how sexual activity is not sex? If can't explain it, see what she says. That should be an interesting conversation. That reminds me--getting off subject--of a girl of a...
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    Good bartenders / Bad bartenders

    This really isn't about bartenders, it's just where I observed how a person extends themselves or doesn't. Example of a bad bartender--the waitress is lousy (takes forever to get to your table) or is out of sight, so you go up to the bar to order drinks (I guess I could've ranted on good...
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    Verbal Combat : How to handle hurtful remarks given by others to bring us down?

    I think there's a book out there about the Art of Verbal Self-defense or Verbal Judo or something like that. Check Amazon. IDJ--you're a babe in the woods here, I don't see you verbally sparing w/him until you get much more "presense" (sp?) I know you so want to cap on him, but he's an @ss...
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    reading between the lines (long)

    We need to hear more about this. If Chance's last post is on point, it'll be quite instructive. I agree her temper (and interest) is piqued (or peaked--?) but I see the last few e-mail salvos as mere posturing by both sides--you're standard pyssing match. A pattern emerges: "Don't get me...
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    reading between the lines (long)

    I don't see much at issue w/your description of the dates. She certainly has different expectations. A 9.5/10 redhead can expect to be @ss-kissed like a queen (imagine what it would take to knock her off her pedestal? She sounds smart and aware such that the normal neg-hit wouldn't work.)...
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    The 3 Keys of Success with the opposite sex...

    Where did "dingleberry" come from? New one on me. Good post btw.
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    Wow! Completely called out on my own games

    6 weeks. What does 6 weeks do for you? She had her last BF whipped and tried the same approach w/you. Do you think she's been broken from that? She's tired of the games (watch that comment, it sounds suspiciously the same as "I don't play games"--a truly devious dis-arming technique, don't...