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  1. GoodOne123

    "Dont Worry. You'll find someone someday"

    So from the way you say this, it tells me that you sense the women reject you in a way to hurt your feelings, as opposed to reject you in a kind and respectable way. The reason why they do this is because they see and feel how much you care. You care so much it is ridiculous. Due to this fact...
  2. GoodOne123

    Wimpy Kids

    Through school I've been in my fair share of fights. My parents gladly taught me to beat another kid up if they hit me first. The thing was that I was an empathetic kid and felt the other kids pain. I always regretted the situation even when I rightly beat the other kid up. During one of my...
  3. GoodOne123

    20s vs. 30s

    I can relate to this post a lot. First of all, I'm going through the potential loss of a parent right now. Unfortunately the doctors say her time is limited due to her diagnosed illness. At first I was devastated and needed to talk to someone who understood what I was going through. From what...
  4. GoodOne123

    Why even try? Why not just enjoy the date as you please?

    In that case, feel free to go in for the kiss close when the girl clearly isn't into you. It's personally not the way I do things. If a girl gives me no eye contact, keeps conversation to one word answers, looks around and not at me, and is ready to leave, I take that as signs of no interest...
  5. GoodOne123

    Why even try? Why not just enjoy the date as you please?

    I never said anything about waiting. You don't wait for signs. They just show up as you get to know the person... Signs are very relevant. Tell me this, if a woman hints at being HIV positive, are you going to ignore that and put that down as irrelevant? That is a very stupid idea, and a good...
  6. GoodOne123

    Wait problems...

    Your logic is almost correct. Yes, good looking people come across as confident. But this is because good looking people have been receiving compliments and had girls drooling over them since they were teenagers. This has built their confidence over the years massively. Average and ugly people...
  7. GoodOne123

    Why even try? Why not just enjoy the date as you please?

    Yes, for the most part you're right. Just enjoy your time with her and get to know her. If the attraction is there she will give you signs to move in for more. But you need to keep your guard up and pay attention. This will allow you to see any subtle hints about her character, her past, and...
  8. GoodOne123

    To those who want to find love

    The truth is that there are many women we can fall in love with. So finding someone else is not impossible, and only a matter of time and effort. Giving up all of that is a lot, and generally I'd be a bit wary of doing that just for love. But there are certain situations where you just know...
  9. GoodOne123

    "Advice needed for introverted guy who is having trouble finding a woman I have a connection with!

    I can relate to you, since I am naturally an introvert. But the truth is you can still do extroverted things even if you're an introvert. My point is don't make that an excuse. There is no way around it, in order to meet a good woman, you must go out and be social and hunt. It's time to face...
  10. GoodOne123


    It sounds to me you are frustrated that you are not exactly getting what you want out of life or women, and are getting angry that other people with "evil" traits are getting what you want. Most likely these people arent that evil or horrible. They simply are putting themselves and their needs...
  11. GoodOne123


    I hear you, and you have some great points. But I believe the reason why these dark triad individuals get what they want is simply because they do whatever it takes to get it. I think deliberately trying to show the world you are selfish, unempathetic, or cruel will get you nowhere. People will...
  12. GoodOne123

    Rate HB

    A solid 5/10. She's average. But can be easily more attractive if she goes to the gym. I wouldn't be enthusiastic in the slightest, but if I had 2 or 3 drinks down me I would give her a try.
  13. GoodOne123

    Pot Shots and Sh!t tests 3 months in

    Wait a minute. Are you sure these are shiit tests, or are they part of who she is as a person? Only you can answer this. When a girl is testing you, you can tell. Something feels off. That's where you need to draw the line in terms of how much disrespect you're willing to tolerate. A lot of...
  14. GoodOne123

    Is one heavy drinking session a week stoping me loosing the last bit of body fat to get visible abs

    No problem. That layer of fat might be due to you being genetically predisposed to carry a little bit of fat with you. It doesn't mean you can't get rid of it, it might just mean you need to put more effort into your diet and workouts to get rid of it. Some people are just gifted with being...
  15. GoodOne123

    Is one heavy drinking session a week stoping me loosing the last bit of body fat to get visible abs

    Try to drink less beer. Instead drink a spirit, mixed with a zero calorie mixer. This could be vodka with coke zero. Also, I know it's hard, but after a night of drinking, don't eat and go straight to bed. You might be tempted to eat but if you do you will most likely go into a caloric...
  16. GoodOne123

    PUA "friend" talking down to me.

    I know how you feel. I've been in simular situations with friends. If you continue to hang out with him, even if it is to just use him, it won't be beneficial for you. Even his face will pis you off when you look at him. Not to mention, he is probably going to ruin some chances with girls...
  17. GoodOne123

    How to treat not so attractive girls

    In my experience, unattractive/average girls will be grateful for the attention, and will do more things to keep you. They also will put up with more shiit from you, and are less likely to leave.
  18. GoodOne123

    Anyone else kinda lost purpose after college?

    In general, going to college is not worth it unless the degree is needed or highly beneficial in that field, e.g. engineering, medicine, law. And of course if you want to be an academic or researcher, a phd or masters is a must. For the average guy who just wants a job and is not interested in...
  19. GoodOne123

    She stopped talking to me out of nowhere! (?)

    Dude, I'd give her the benefit of the doubt just one time, and assume she had a good reason to stop talking. Try one more time, see if she reciprocates well, and ask her out if so. For God sakes don't worry about appearing clingy. If you aren't clingy you will not appear clingy. Clingy people...
  20. GoodOne123

    Help. Meeting Girls While Delivering Pizzas

    I used to work in a retail store a while back. So I've got a bit of experience as to how to flirt with customers. Talk about the environment/surroundings. If they open up and seem friendly/talkative as well, then have a short conversation. At the end when you established some rapport, ask for a...