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  1. J

    Sex - No Joke

    Yeah, so everyone wants to get laid, its too bad most of you are completely unaware of how to do it safely. Being in High School, most if not all of us are completely unprepared for the possbility of an unplanned pregnancy. When having sex, this is the bomb youre playing with, it is VERY...
  2. J

    Friend zone is FOREVER. PERIOD.

    I am quite thoroughly disgusted after reading all of that. First off, the friend zone is NOT forever, unless youre forever an AFC. The thing is, unless you actually cure your oneitis, she will see right through your false confidence. Obviously you have not cured that yet, or come close, because...
  3. J

    The Secret of the Jerk

    fan-freakin'-tastic This post basically established proof for the DJ persona and helps explain why things work the way they do. Man, that kicked ass. Im not leaving the board tho, i like it here, helpng others with diverse problems keeps me fine tuned.
  4. J

    How long can i go?(sex question)

    i believe there mayj ust not be enough friction.
  5. J

    How long can i go?(sex question)

    No, no medication.
  6. J

    How long can i go?(sex question)

    Last night, for the second time of my life, i had sex with my girlfriend. I went for approximately 5 hours, sex, some varying positions, blow-jobss, etc, and i did not *** once(her on the otherhand, thats a MUCH different story). Now i know its far from impossible for me to come because well...
  7. J

    Fvck her ASAP

    that last reply was a bit sickening but this is a good post.
  8. J

    Eyes dilated.. my first tip on eye contact..sorta..(be gentle)

    your exact words were "trance state" could you tell me how being in slightly dark room puts someone in a trance?
  9. J

    How to investigate a possible cheater.

    take this crap back to girlproblems before i puke. search her purse? omfg, if you dont just her, just dump her, end of ****ing story. NO ONE listen to this afc. my god he hasnt a clue.
  10. J

    Eyes dilated.. my first tip on eye contact..sorta..(be gentle)

    how do you come up with this bull****? thats the most retarded thing ive ever heard in my life. and dont defocus your eyes people, thats not eye contact, thes just making yourself look like an idiot. with eye contact focus on one of her eyes at a time, dont switch back and forth from eye to...
  11. J

    One more post about "Professional dater" or "Attention *****" - how to spot them.

    good post dude, too bad you couldnt write it in your native language because you had some good stuff in there. thanks for the reminder about how manipulative some girls can be. btw, im dating an attention ***** right now
  12. J

    You Benefit by Whitening Your Teeth

    level of intelligence improving every day on this board eh?
  13. J

    theres seduction, and theres attraction

    good post dude! You ssers are really caught up in your own view of whats right and wrong arent you. Too bad youre wrong, haha. Right from websters. seduction \Se*duc*tion\, n. [L. seductio: cf. F. s['e]duction. See Seduce.] 1. The act of seducing; enticement to wrong doing; specifically...
  14. J

    What I've learned...

    Anybody else say "What a chump" after you read this last reply? What do you want and then become him for her. jesus christ man pook wasnt kidding about that boy toy stuff. i realise not everyone was born with great looks or the best personality but that doesnt mean you have to try and become...
  15. J

    What I've learned...

    What if its so much simpler than all that garp, what if it could be compressed into something non-phisophical and easily understood? It can be! When most people came to this board, they were desperate(myself included), they had no clue and were anxious to learn how to seduce and raise interest...
  16. J

    What I've learned...

    Just because she will be repulsed by it, doesnt mean it isnt true... I'd like to thank you pook, for making me think. Truly inspiring posts like these are quite rare, and you certainly did pull me out of my comfort zone. ------------------ Before the Battle of Thermoplyae, against the...
  17. J

    What I've learned...

    im talking about you now. [This message has been edited by Jester (edited 10-01-2002).]
  18. J

    What I've learned...

    is anyone else getting REALLY annoyed by these EGOMANIACS who try to EMPHASIZE every other friggin word? use the capitals in proper nouns and at the beginning of sentences please. [This message has been edited by Jester (edited 09-24-2002).]
  19. J

    How to keep a gal

    BUMP very important post adding a comment. keeping a girl involves that ever so overused word in relationship therapy which you may know is COMMUNICATION Let her know what she does that bothers you and make sure she lets you know what bothers her about what you do. this is ESSENTIAL
  20. J

    What I've learned...

    This has been the absolute best discussion i have ever read on this website or anywhere. I didnt think it was possible to produce such a great post on this board again. props to you pook, as well as to you nick. p.s. you have some great writing skills pook.