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  1. J

    It's Friday night and your driving your car...

    Great post Kodiac...
  2. J

    I want to bone my teacher part. II

    Hehe, this is fantastic. First of all good luck... second, DO NOT do what Cardesigner54 said... you can't possib;y think its a good idea to be seen hanging out? what the hell were you thinking Cardesigner54??!!!!!!!! This has to be discrete... you have to earn her trust that if anything did...
  3. J

    Nice girl, Big boyfriend...

    I think that you shouldn't waste your time on her. Back off for a while, act cool and busy and the truth will come out. She'll either chase you, doing everything she can to get you back (inc. dumping her boyfriend) or find some other poor soul to get what she doesn't get from her boyfriend (as...
  4. J

    Men at different ages

    NO, I think I have worked it out. It feels like he is saying it, but not to me. It's happened so fast.. I've only been seeing him a month. He's been married before... maybe he wants so much what he has had before that he is trying to make it happen with me. Does this sound like a possiblity?
  5. J

    Men at different ages

    I actually think that the sentiment involved when he said 'I think I'm falling in love with you' is nice, because I feel the same way. I guess it's just my own stupid problem that I don't believe him.
  6. J

    Men at different ages

    Thanks Chevylover, that was a great post, helped a lot. I think it is my self esteem and I am going to have to get over it. Very strange... you'd think that him saying every nice thing to me under the sun would up my self esteem... lately I have been thinking that I haven't met his family and...
  7. J

    she laughed at me

    Hey, I think that you may have said it in a way that made her think you were 'play' hitting on her. Either that or she is a real biatch and you should next her asap. I hop for your sake it is the first option and that you get your chance again. If this is the case she at least thinks you...
  8. J

    Men at different ages

    Thanks Pimp, but you've lost me. I don't understand how you think he's 'stuffed it up'?
  9. J

    Men at different ages

    Hi All!! I am after your wisdom here... In the past I have generally dated guys that are around the same age as me (24), give or take a couple of years, and the vibes are good, but there is never really a huge verbal exchange of feelings. I am now seeing a guy that is 31, and he is...
  10. J

    Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    well thats what I plan to do. Back off, not call or see him, etc, until he calls me and honestly sounds like he's missing me and will do anything to see me. Does this sound like a good idea?
  11. J

    Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks Howie... i needed to hear that from someone other than my friends. They are saying that he is taking advantage of my giving nature. This is just something that I am... how can I adjust it to suit this guy? I honestly don't think that he means to do it, he is just falling into a pattern...
  12. J

    Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll keep that i mind Wheelin! I have futher to let y'all know... We were talking on Friday night, and as he was going out Saturday night I playfully said 'Now don't you go out getting a replacement for me on Saturday night' (I was going away for the weekend). He said 'You're a fantastic...
  13. J

    Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh, and I asked him to think about where he is going to take me out for dinner next week. A project!! hehe. was this a good idea do you think?
  14. J

    Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I did understand what you meant by challenge... unfortunately he didn't have to do much to get me cos I asked him out! hehe. Any other ideas? I am still thinking on your topic... it's a dicey one! Will get back 2 u!!!!
  15. J

    When she says she has a boyfriend.. but yet flirts away

    Hey, From what you have said, I don't think that she has a strong bond with this guy. I think that you should keep pushing the envelope (as long as you think she's worth it) and I think you'll wear her down. As for do girls flirt when they have a boyfriend? Hell yeah! But not...
  16. J

    Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Confus4ever, this is gold! When you said you wished they challenged you more, how could they have gone about this?
  17. J

    Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks Clooney! Any ideas on how to do this though? I hate using negatives, like 'you never...' and really need to be able to say it in a way that he'll be happy to go along with. Any other insights you could give me would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jas
  18. J

    Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi Guys, A little while ago I started going out with a really lovely guy... i asked him out and we 'clicked' from the beginning, agreeing to be exclusive on the second date!! My prob is it seems I have given too much to the relationship and he has gotten used to it. I drive him places (his...
  19. J

    How brave am i?! :-)

    Not really. I mean, I like this guy! Do you think that it would look like I like him too much if I called him after he called me both last night and the night before?
  20. J

    How brave am i?! :-)

    I guess what I'm asking is whether you guys think its better for a girl to over call or under call?? Thanks!