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  1. Victory Unlimited

    The "Join Me and My Friends" first date

    Though this may not be the case later on... Early on, whenever a woman asks you to go out on a "group date" with her and her friends, it's usually NOT an invitation for you to get to know her--------it's most likely just an invitation for her FRIENDS to get to know the IDENTITY of the...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Infinity Gauntlet: Why you fight WARS WITHOUT END!

    A curious epiphany occured to me yesterday when I re-read this thread after someone PM'd me about it: It occured to me that as the years have gone by, the more time I spend CHANGING me for "my" BETTER, the less time I spend BLAMING women for whenever they're guilty of being "their" WORST...
  3. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: Actresses in the theater of WAR!

    Yo Troops, I'm bumping this thread to remind you that though it's okay to nod off every now and then while you're in relationships with's NEVER wise to "sleep" on them so long or to such an extent that you fail to pay attention during those moments when a woman's words start to...
  4. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Man Who Could Cheat Death!

    Yo Troops! Today is a good day...a "fitting" day to bump this thread. My message to myself, to you, and to anyone who has taken the time to read this thread is this: Your life is MORE precious and valuable than you know------and invariably far "shorter" than most men like to think...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The New Recruit Briefing!

    What "the FUKK" is going on around here these days???? "MAN UP", my Band of Brothers!!! RESPECT. VU
  6. Victory Unlimited

    want your opinion/analyzes

    Yo Sergeant Park, I think this is an awful lot of effort for you to be going through for a woman (girl) you say that you don't think that much of. How old are you, by the way? The reason I ask is because sometimes the objectives I give men are best when they are targeted at their specific...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    Radio Breakup

    Yo Rollo, This is a good thread. Thanks for posting this. It's always a good idea to bring the harshest, cruelest, most stark images of the dating and relationship war "front and center". All things being equal (and without knowing ANY of these people personally or their backstories), I...
  8. Victory Unlimited

    Dating for Black guys

    Yo Dman1O1, As a Black man, you like myself, are very well aware that "game", as it is espoused on some websites and marketed by most dating gurus is almost USELESS when it comes to working on Black girls. There is an element of hardness and a difference in romance styles that make the...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    The counseling profession and their mindgames.

    Yo Troops! "One of the greatest revelations that a man will ever have AFTER he first discovers women is that no matter how great or how grim their presence IN his life, or their presence "make" his life---------he is still destined to exit this life-----ALONE." Victory Unlimited...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Soul Mate/Quality Woman Peace Treaty!

    An interesting side note on the subject of "arranged marriages" that we brought up earlier: Outside of the usual reality of those arranged marriages that are just societal "show pieces", and the men and women fukk around at will and nobody really gives a shyt------there may be something to be...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Soul Mate/Quality Woman Peace Treaty!

    I have found that the free will aspects of all romantic, familial, or even adversarial relationships, out of necessity, REQUIRE that both sides uphold their end of that partnership or interaction. The see-saw aspects of all relationships (especially the romantic ones) requires for both sides...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    Objective: The Soul Mate/Quality Woman Peace Treaty!

    Lieutenant LUXIUS, The urge to release loads, or as I like to put it "the urge to UNLOAD", is a major driving force behind why men pursue women in the first place. Without the fiery passion of sexuality, rare is it in this western culture (cultures where arranged marriages are no longer the...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    the Filtering Process that keeps good people out of your life

    Yo VLAD, Girl #1 was a girl that was very self-absorbed. So that was a good call on your part. She was one of those very independent, slightly hardened women who was a self-starter in business. And she was a "cat lover" instead of a "dog lover". Believe it or not, even THAT can be factored...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    the Filtering Process that keeps good people out of your life

    Yo Troops! Guru is correct. According to the training I got, and according to the charts, graphs, and schematics that I've seen laid out in the G.I. JOE "War Room"...yes, it really is true: Knowing IS Half the Battle! But don't merely take MY word for it, just check out the PIE...
  15. Victory Unlimited

    We Are Straying from the Path that was Laid out Before Us

    Yo Troops! It is a disappointing sight whenever you see a man, ANY MAN, sell his soul (comprised of the integrity and the soundness of his mind, his will, and his emotions) for the sake of any ONE thing, ONE idea, or ONE urge. This singularity mindset often is the precursor of a...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    7 years, 7000 posts

    <<<<<<<<<<<<<This Just In---This Just In>>>>>>>>>>>>> A late breaking news report just came into channel WVUN. Let's go to our "roaming" internet reporter Mr. Breaker to see what's going on: Mr. Breaker: "Well viewers, right now I'm standing her at the Headquarters of SoSuave where an...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    So I followed the 3rd date rule.

    The guys who "agree" with you will be in shortly. I believe their shift starts at the top of the hour, so just hang on. They usually show up when guys like myself, JOPHIL, etc. go on break. :up: But's not about agreeing with you or disagreeing with you. What it's about is...
  18. Victory Unlimited

    So I followed the 3rd date rule.

    Yo Imgamens, Since you're posting this in the Mature Man's section, I'll go ahead and speak to your "sex/no-sex skirmish" directly. I am presupposing that you are further along enough to understand this: Whatever you can't say NO to is your Master, and you are it's SLAVE. There is a...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    So I followed the 3rd date rule.

    The Victory Unlimited New Recruit Briefing: Consider the information you get here as WEAPONS for you to sample. Pick out a few, try them out, use them on a few FIELD MISSIONS, THEN decide whether or not THAT weapon is worthy to be added to YOUR arsenal. If not, then throw it away and yank...
  20. Victory Unlimited

    Money for Pu$$y

    Breaking News!!!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>> This just in! This just in! <<<<<<<<<<<< Dateline: TODAY. According to reports from the WVUN, there has been a declaration of mass panic made by the representatives of the U.S. Mint------it appears that they have recently been under assault by random...