The situation: remembering how old GFs took off after a while of my developing and displaying certain traits I wasn't aware of until I found SS. I'd reach a level of comfort in the relationship that I wouldn't break out of, and I didn't realize it until it was too late. Having that happen with...
I certainly remember Jophil from when I used to post here 4 years ago under another s/n. I remember not agreeing with certain things he said (probably half the time, even), but nothing he ever said ever gave me a reason to think that he was anything less than a standup guy. May he rest in peace.
it seems that just about everyone here has missed the nature of this thread. Please re-read the opening post. This is NOT about my wife competing with my friends for time, or my wanting to spend more time with friends, etc. I used the friends thing as an example of something I figured I'd use to...
My post stems from wanting to prevent self-sabotage in the future, actually. While I ultimately do realize that the last month of a wife's pregnancy is not necessarily the best time to gauge ILs (especially after only 10 months of marriage), at the same time, I do want to have my ducks in a row...
Our relationship has been quite excellent; it still is.
No grief of any kind from her about me hanging with friends before we were married. Then again, out of my small group of friends, there's only one I'd hang with more regularly...but I diminished that a while after I began dating my...
I think you've very much missed the nature of my thread and have completely skipped over certain parts of my posts.
As I previously stated, I never did feel right about testing my wife with the friends thing, for I ultimately know that is a mind game.
And no, I'm not overwhelmed with by...
To be clear, it's not that my wife's IL has dropped. My only major concerns right now are helping my wife with her pregnancy (which has been very rough) and the arrival of our soon-to-be-born baby.
Though I know my wife's IL hasn't dropped, I was still curious about the "friends test" as...
I got married late last year, and we're expecting our first child next month. I used to post here under another user name before I met my wife 4 years ago. I learned some good things, but looking back on the past while, I've kinda put that stuff in the backseat. Now that I've been married a...
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