1. The chick was sexually attracted to him from the beginning.
2. He showed interest but not desperation (some aloofness) by not always answering her texts right away or sometimes not at all.
= girl chasing boy
Actually this is a legitimate question. Before Ive had a major problem in picking up signs girls were sending out. And then I would hear "oh she had such a crush on you, why didn't you ask her out?"
I agree with st.99 in that women tend to send out very subtle clues that if we don't pick up...
I always wondered whether its just small talk or expressing interest when a women usually inquires about my weekend or asks how Ive been:
1. Girl #1: A HB 7.5 receptionist at my office. I sense shes quite attracted to me. Usually asks about my weekend plans.
2. Girl #2: A HB 7.0 who...
Dude the last time this happened to me was with a chick I also met online. She would do essentially the same thing; say wonderful things but would always have an excuse not to meet up
After about 4 months she sent me a letter and a picture of her (which was totally different from her...
Eventually after a couple of tries even a hard to get girl will buckle and succumb to your advances if shes interested.
Shes not playing hard to get. She just enjoys leading you on and the attention typical of an AW.
Like the others said just start ignoring her, cut off all contact, start...
I think im pretty good at reading female body languange but am willing to get new insights.
What particular cues or signs do you look for in reading positive body language?
Great FR dude. I just hope you dont get hung up with this chick because as the previous post suggested she is quite experienced and no doubt as slipped other dudes c0cks in her puzzy on similar occasions. In order to keep these "experienced" girls as FBs you would have needed to make the sexual...
Another is when they start playing with their hair the moment they see you or get fidgety and nervous.
But yes some chicks who I found out liked me alot after the fact didnt give me the light of day and even seemed to dislike me. Go figure.
Alot of psychologically damaged women and most with some kind of baggage.
On a few occassions however Ive met some normal, well grounded women, but these are quite rare and hard to meet.
I hate to say this but its a tale tale sign that her IL in you has diminished for whatever reason (i,e new guy in the picture). Ive been there dude and I know it hurts. But the best thing to do is to withdraw attention and disappear for a while and even contemplate the notion of moving on...
Not always true. I can honestly say looking in my past 10 years of dating and relationships that I did all the dumping. And the women ranged from a 7 to an 8.5.
Like one of the posters suggested, women like to make the dumping formal and are more communicative. Guys just dissappear when they...
I personally dont think shes that hot in the first place. Shes only like 5-2 and without makeup she has a pretty ordinary face. I just dont understand all the hype behind her. I see much hotter looking women everyday who lead normal lives.
Its funny the way it works but when women feel you are no longer a challenge and that they are operating from a posiion of strength thats when their interest starts to wane.
I would withdraw and giver some space and let her start wondering whether you have other options. Its at this stage...
If you work in a serious environment where your reputation is important, i,e a lawfirm or doctor's office it can be pretty tricky tying to game a co-worker. I dont recommend it unless of course it appears that you are getting all the signs and IOIs to approach your intended target.
Its much...
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