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  1. G

    Why Do Many Women Prefet to Fvuk Well-Built/Muscular Men?

    BS! you look husky in those pictures. sorry. you dont look like an ectomorph either. you can lie to me about what women say all you want. but they arent holding up to the available evidence. ITs as if you never typed those likely BS testimonials. dont bother rebuting this unless its with a good pic.
  2. G

    Why Do Many Women Prefet to Fvuk Well-Built/Muscular Men?

    Your conclusion is incorrect. please explain your logic. assuming women do display more variance in taste than men when it comes to juding the opposite sex(I would like this to be confirmed), I dont see how this would mean that attraction is based on something other than visual. I mean, if...
  3. G

    Rich BUT still fail with women(myth?)

    correction, ::some:: women will flock to you. wow, your naive too. lol. Theres alot of that going around on this forum, tisk tisk.
  4. G

    Rich BUT still fail with women(myth?)

    unfortunetly, I think Im one of the very few that means "most women, but not all are ___" when I say "women are____" or "women want___". I think most guys on here actually mean "all women are.." when they make a generalizing statement like "Women are___". There are alot of stupid people...
  5. G

    Why Do Many Women Prefet to Fvuk Well-Built/Muscular Men?

    Ive seen your pics deus, I can tell from just thos pics alone that you are not built as in what women find attractive. I mean you look like your larger than average size, but your not cut by any means at all. I can tell this without you even needing to see a shirtless pic of you, that one pic of...
  6. G

    Why Do Many Women Prefet to Fvuk Well-Built/Muscular Men?

    well, this argument here can be thrown right back at you. Your diagnosis is that we have made a bad diagnosis. So how do you know this diagnosis of your is correct? You dont! THerefore its just your opinion that you think we are wrong. 1. women have different tastes. Some women will say a...
  7. G

    Why Do Many Women Prefet to Fvuk Well-Built/Muscular Men?

    yep, women are visual just like men. another great example demonstrating this. :up: :D
  8. G

    Why Do Many Women Prefet to Fvuk Well-Built/Muscular Men?

    being built=attractive to women has nothing to do with it being scarce. David D lied when he tried to apply ideas from what drives demand in economics to dating. Scarcity doesnt neccesarily mean something will be valuable. Nor does abundance mean something will be worthless. Think about this...
  9. G

    Why Do Many Women Prefet to Fvuk Well-Built/Muscular Men?

    There are hotties marrying rich men, but there are also hot women marrying good looking men, gee, not all hotties are even married to rich men, lol. Im sorry, your claim here isnt holding up to everyday observations. But maybe you can prove me wrong by providing some statistics showing that...
  10. G

    Rich BUT still fail with women(myth?)

    LOL, no not all women are gold diggers. some are though. Im sorry you are naive.
  11. G

    How do I get my hair like this?

    yep, you are definitely a homophobe. homophobes are usually closet f@gs :) Oh, and why would a gay guy know what looks better to women than a woman herself? thats like saying a lesbian knows what looks better to a guy than a guy himself. And worrying about your hair is not gay, its called...
  12. G

    Rich BUT still fail with women(myth?)

    I dont think anyone out there is challenging you when you say some people arent shallow. Atleast I dont. I understand that women are different, some are shallow, some are not. Some require looks, some dont. some like em tall, some like em short, some like big noses, some dont, etc. But when...
  13. G

    Rich BUT still fail with women(myth?)

    post your evidence proving why it is wrong now!! you know better than that, posting controversial claims without having evidence to back them ;) You just contridicted yourself. 1st your say you dont have to change, then you say you have to add something to your personality. Well, if you added...
  14. G

    Rich BUT still fail with women(myth?)

    I agree with you on that.
  15. G

    Rich BUT still fail with women(myth?)

    1. she is cute yes based on the one pic I saw of her. Im assuming the pic is real. 2. although MOST women dont care about money, some do (the gold diggers or really shallow women who have an ego/reputation to maintain) 3.her BF is asian..... Its unusual for a white woman to go for asian...
  16. G

    Why Do Many Women Prefet to Fvuk Well-Built/Muscular Men?

    Yes, women do get intimidated and shy around men they find really attractive. As a result they get really uptight. But from the guy's perspective, he thinks she's acting like a stuck up *****. This has happened to me alot, where Ive met women I thought were *****es, only to find out later from a...
  17. G

    Why Do Many Women Prefet to Fvuk Well-Built/Muscular Men?

    Its the same reason men want to **** women with really nice curvy bodies. Its sad how alot of men on this board dont understand that women are very similar to men when it comes to mate selection. Its scary how similar!! This is just another example of why looks do matter to women. They are...
  18. G

    Rich BUT still fail with women(myth?)

    money matters........only to the women who are gold diggers and who will use their bodies to get money from a man (prostitution is kind of like this). Money is not attractive as in women get turned on by a man who has it, money is attractive as in its a reward for the woman if she has sex with...
  19. G

    Clearing the air: the PUA vs the DJ

    this is the dumbest thread Ive read in a while. Theyre pretty much the same god dman thing.
  20. G

    The Worst Label Of Them All

    If you look at at alpha males in nature and non alpha males. You see that the only difference is that the alpha males are larger, more agressive, hostile and strong, where as the nonalpha males are not this. So this must mean these alpha male exclusive characteristics must be alpha male traits...