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  1. G

    Im in trouble guys, I madeout with a drunk girl, when I was sober

    I see nothing wrong with what you did. You did have sex, so you did not commit rape. you only kissed. no big deal. your fine. kissing is so petty. have no worries.
  2. G

    What You Hate Most About Cops!

    Damn, this is very reminiscent of something that happened to my friend. He got asualted with a deadly weapon, we went to the cops, and told them where the assailants lived and who they were. The cops didnt do ****. Its true, you want justice, sometimes you have to do this country's broken...
  3. G

    What You Hate Most About Cops!

    THats true, but who pays for the hospital bill when the guy gets raped and beat up in prison? the tax payers do. hmmmm, lets see: am I more likely to get really fvcked up on a push bike or get raped in jail? yep, the answer is clear, Im more likely to get raped in jail. This means when...
  4. G

    What You Hate Most About Cops!

    actually, its a team effort, if not totally the cops fualt. No one put a gun to the cops head and forced him to make the arrest. It was the cop's free choice. He could have chosen not to make the arrest, just as someone could have chosen to break the law.
  5. G

    What exactly do girls mean by confidence?

    AFC, Don juan, Alpha are lame ass terms coined by lame "gurus" from this forum and ASF. "badboy" however is a term actually used by women. ITs not term coined by any dating sites etc. Women actually will sometimes say "yeah, I like badboys..blah blah" if you ask them what type of men they like.
  6. G

    If you could kill a cop...

    Ill say it again, what I have been discussing was about weither or not the cop was harrassing the guy. I have the video evidence (the TV show example), and I use logic to conclude the best fitting theory to explain what was actually happening. It just so happens that the harrasment theory fits...
  7. G

    why isnt it posting my replies?

    who are you? DJ forever? better not be! trolls need to stay dead
  8. G

    Even if U have Confidence U'll get REJECTED..

    its still possible for women to date a guy they admit isnt good looking or say that looks dont matter. This doesnt change the fact that looks DO matter to women alot. Men are guilty of the very same thing. Theres lots of men out their dating fug women that they admit are fug. Theres lots of...
  9. G

    What exactly do girls mean by confidence?

    call it what you want. I didnt make the definition, women did. And they were descrbing to me what the mean by confidence as in the kind of "confidence" that they find sexy. This only proves my point. Military men are known for being badasses. Hell, even more so than the stereotypical...
  10. G

    Why didn't the hot stuck-up girl want me!!?

    the point of this thread is very weak.
  11. G

    Even if U have Confidence U'll get REJECTED..

    Women value a good looking man. men value a good looking woman. If she sees you as good looking, then by your logic, she sees value, and therefore will fvck you etc. Confidence doesnt get you laid always becuse: 1. women value a man's looks far more than his confidence 2. When it comes...
  12. G

    If you could kill a cop...

    2 different things my friend in once case, your having to do an actual operation which requires skills. in the other you just looking at observations and comming to a conclusion about what really happened in the given situation. One requires training and skills, the other just requires...
  13. G

    If you could kill a cop...

    we dont need real police experience to make our conclusions. We look at evidence and make our conclusions using logic. You know what logic is dontcha? To say we need to be cops to make our conclusions about how they clearly are harassing someone is ludicrous. all one needs is logic and...
  14. G

    why isnt it posting my replies?

    I post a reply, it goesthrough, but I come back to the board to see the post I replied to not at the top, but in the middle where it was before I replied. I click it, and see my reply is not in the post. Yet I goto my post history and my reply is in my post history as the most recent post...
  15. G

    the dj bible isn't very hands on

    The problem is, the theory sucks. The other problem is that the information given on this site isnt really practical, often, its applicable only to isolated and controlled conditions. Another problem is the informaiton given is ambiguous and doesnt tell the reader sh*t. The DJ Bible is...
  16. G

    Gyms as Fun Places of Sexual Temptation

    This advice was weak.
  17. G

    What exactly do girls mean by confidence?

    some of you get it, and some of you dont. Maybe I didnt make myself clear: 1. THe definition I have presented was defined by many women themselves. They all came up with pretty much the same definition. This is not opinion nor is it confusing "confidence" with "badboy". confidence=badboy...