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  1. M

    A good wingman

    Then share your knowledge
  2. M

    A good wingman

  3. M

    Basic Wingman Theory

    bump. good post, useful tips!
  4. M

    ORIGINAL OPENERS! ..they are great, and work EVERYWHERE

    It's playful. Childish? Nah. Playful. Oh and did I mention original? Childish would be "do yo uwant to be my girlfriend?" as the first words coming out of his mouth.
  5. M

    ORIGINAL OPENERS! ..they are great, and work EVERYWHERE

    There's one similar drawing opener from You actually draw a stick figure of her. But you look like it's taking a lot of your concentration.. then hand it to her (folded) "please accept this incredible work of art.. I entitled 'girl eating with her friends'" hehe
  6. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #1

    Welcome Medallion! Welcome to the DJ site, to the boot camp, and to a better life !
  7. M

    It hasn't been that bad.

  8. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #4

    even though I'm only at week 3 (finally!!! ) I've already got a few rejections... Approached one, she nearly ran away. Asked a question but she just said "sorry" and walked away. Approahced a group, told them I wanted to get rejected so I can build a thick skin against rejection. lol. At...
  9. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #3

    Also.. Has anyone noticed that the hot babes are usually the nicest, when you just approach for conversation or when it's not obvious at all you're hitting on them? That alone should be enough to stop fearing them
  10. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #3

    ok.. If you've been reading my "quest" threads... It's now becoming more and more easy to approach girls! yay! Will go to malls and just have a blast talking to every girl.
  11. M

    My view on why women like dumb men they can SCORN.. READ it!!!!!!!!

    All the girls that have been interested in me over the years have been so in part because of my intelligence.
  12. M

    "Stay Single"

    Not to be pedantic.. oh heck, I'll be pedantic. I would like Pook to learn the difference between THEN and THAN Thank you Pook.
  13. M

    Approach / Opener thread . . . . . .

    bump. almost works in the streets too.. I will have to try this in bars to compare if it works better there. Probably. But I like how it catches them off guard...
  14. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #2

    3 more conversations so far.. In fact, if I add up everything from the last few months I think I've done 10 or more. I'm tired of week 2, let's get on with week 3
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    Thoughts about David DeAngelo and Double your Dating? [merged threads]

    This must be like the 10th time this question has been asked this week.
  16. M

    The turn-a-round

    this should be bumped before it's lost...
  17. M

    The Book of Shuma Gora

    Sounds interesting. I won't give my email address but will rather wait for the aforementioned download link
  18. M

    For the college guys who want to meet women

    Not the way the industry is currently doing True. Thanks for reminding me!
  19. M

    Talk Is Cheap/Take Action

    And also to not expect the people here to solve everything for you. To learn to think by yourselves!