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  1. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #4

    If you've had a crush on them for a while, you've probably had them on a pedestal, and/or you care more about your success than the other ones. So of course it's harder...
  2. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #4

    Emoney, I'm kinda in the same pit as you. I think MotU gave me the best advice, which was "just do it". Lemme tell you a little story, hopefully it'll help you (and me): At the end of my AFC days, there was this waitress who caught my attention. It took me 3 failures at even attempting to...
  3. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Course Description (class is now in session)

    a bump, for those who wish to join, and to get the links to the previous 3 weeks...
  4. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #4

    Just a bump, as I collect my Jedi powers before venturing out in the real world!
  5. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #3

    even with the 3s rule and all, it never hurts to have a plan. I'm not saying oh when you see a chick spend 20 minutes making up a plan. But think about it.. Using wingmen, using the 70/30% conversation rule, closing for the number, etc are all parts of what could be considered a plan hm?
  6. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #3

    Good work Centaur! And you did well to not approach without a plan... It's been alluded to here and there in Doc Love's articles and in the DJB that you should always have a plan.
  7. M

    Doing things the hard way

    yep, that's us.. human beings - we need to be hurt real bad before we decide to change for real. fun fun!
  8. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #3

    holy bumpness batman - er, Dr. Feelgood!
  9. M

    Need a summer job? Become a waiter!

    nice tip! You almost make me want to be a waiter...
  10. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #3

    MotU you said the magic word: fun. This is what I've been missing! I've been pushing myself so much trying to get myself to talk to strangers that I've forgotten to just enjoy myself while doing it!!!! Thanks. This is definitely something I'll have to take in consideration
  11. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #3

    Well it was a 15 second talk with the bus driver. At least I talked to him...
  12. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #3

    mkay, finally got my 1st convo with a complete stranger - whose first name happens to be Don (sounds like a fitting name), a Canadian author I met at a bookstore. The convo went well, but it didn't end on a high note - I think it's because the way I said "well that's cool" had some finality...
  13. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #3

    NormalGuy THAT'S GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See what we told you? One rejection (or 10 or more) means nothing! And too bad for your afc friend... His loss! (As he's finding out, even if he's still in denial )
  14. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #3

    had one conversation today with a real cutie (will go for her number next week, when I return there) A secretary at the facutly. A buddy and I went there to get some stuff, but it wasn't there, so we talked a little with her (mostly asking why it wasn't there and stuff), and well I again used...
  15. M

    DJ Boot Camp - Week #3

    NormalGuy - don't let it get to you... Just look at week#4 - getting 10 rejections. Each rejection you get is like a stair on the stairway to success... You know what you should do to stop feeling like crap? Go talk to another. And another. And another. And just a thought.. Perhaps a neghit...