You need to get a crap job that pays, get the money rolling in then use that money to invest in yourself (dont buy a tv and new bling bling clothes or whatever you usually waste your money on) and pay back your education bills so that you can go back to school part time.
At school, you will...
haah its worse in Asia if you walk around with a hottie. Guys don't like seeing women of their race with men of anothe race.
In the US, I've dated latina ladies, black ladies, asian ladies. Gotten weird looks from men of all those races. I'm mixed too so I look somewhat asian, at times...
Got a yahoo league that has a couple of extra positions (flex, defensive player 1/2) along with the usual ones --
Its a pretty competitive league with some mild trash talking at times. People from around the world. Anyone up to play? Just need to fill the last couple of spots. :box:
At age 17 you should focus hardcore on education all the way through to grad school if possible then get a good job and when you are settled in around say 26-27, its prime MACKING time.
ditch her, your value is low to her and her value is sky high to you. As a man that is NOT good. The correct choice is to leave her and not look back. Find a real woman.
born again virgin? she probably rode the d-carousel so hard from 20-25 that it caught on fire and imploded. This is fake low mileage but then again the most important thing to do is to keep vetting her to see if she has truly turned the page on that part of her life and is looking to not ever go...
DO IT MAN. You are 53, you need to just have some fun. When she goes just tell her you will be in Asia sometime (trust me, you should go, its a nice place) and that you guys can kick it again. Proceed to pipeline other girls and set yourself up for an epic annual leave vacation later this year...
You have to look at intent. What did she do when she punched him the face for no reason (a guy younger than her I might add)? Did she intend to cause him no harm and did it just as a joke? Nope, she lashed out in anger as her hamster brain had a meltdown and at that moment she meant to hurt him...
Thats a novel idea. I usually center my back days around pullups but I could go ahead and move pullups to leg day so I can do something extra while waiting between sets.
I saw the video and its obvious the woman was the aggressor and that guy was only defending himself. This is basically white female privilege at work. No matter what happens, if a white woman is involved in any altercation with anyone of any race or belief, etc. they are always right. Telling it...
A couple pickup lines I've gotten multiple times are
"Are you mixed?" and "Wanna share my umbrella?" -- seems those can be turned around and used pretty easily on girls
lol dude you took way too long you should have been like hi, I'm Suspens, lovin your style -- or whatever, point is she smiled at you and you went trailed her for 30 seconds on a dimly lit street. My last daygame open was a 1030PM on a dimly lit street from behind. Of course thats cause she was...
Same here, girls who are wishy washy get blocked. I don't need to waste a lot of time trying to raise their IL in little increments. This no doubt results in a lot of quick (sometimes too quick) deletions and blocks but thats just how it goes. No need to waste time on sh1t.
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