A womans pick up lines


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
I was out on my own the other night, cruising at a bar. The seating was along a wall, with a continuous seat and separate tables.

An HB 6 and her HB 7 friend were next to me, about 3 feet away. I was doing my own thing and hadnt paid them much attention.

The HB 6 leaned over (after about 10 min), and said

HB6 - Are you waiting for someone.
Me - No, just out on my own, relaxing. Why?
HB6 - Oh, I wasn't sure if we could talk to you.

We chatted for quite a while. The HB7 got more forceful, conversation wise and both had IL. When HB6 went to the toilet, HB7 slid over and started chatting. When HB6 returned, she squeezed back in between her HB7 and I.

I asked them, what would they have said if I had said I WAS waiting for someone. She said,

HB6 - I would have asked what you were both up to tonight.

I told them that was quite a clever conversation starter and I would use it in the future. I did, later on in a different bar and it seemed to work.

One thing Ill say about women - you CAN learn some interesting tips from them.

Are there anymore tips, tricks, conversation starters that guys on SS have picked up from women, that can be utilised by guys in game?


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
While a man should never directly emulate a woman's behavior, we can indeed learn a lot from their pickup strategies. This is because they are masters of concealing their intention. They have observed what NOT to do from so many dorky men, so their pickups are so smooth you might miss them if you don't know what to look for.

Here is how a woman you just met will extend her interest:

1) "So... any big plans for the week?" (bartenders will use this one)
2) "What's going on tonight, anything?" (waitresses use this one)
3) "Wow, you have really nice eyes". (strippers use this one)
4) "You look like someone I knew in high school". (a woman approaching you will use this one)
5) "So what do you do for work"? (this implies you pass the looks test)
6) "Where are you from originally"? (she shows interest in you)
7) "I like that shirt". (she means she likes how you look in that shirt)
8) "I love that you eat so healthy". (note the sentence contains the words 'I love you' in that order, revealing what words are in her subconscious at the moment)
9) "Hey handsome" or "Are you a ladies man?" (subtle terms of endearment)
10) (Positive body language). (lots of eye contact and lots of smiling with her occasionally touching you)

When ANY of these happen, simply ask "Are you single?" When she says yes, say "Write your number down". If she doesn't or if she hands you a pen and paper and asks for your number, next her.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Ruler said:
Well, you have one thing right - some women can be GREAT conversationalists. They are social creatures. But quite honestly, is that a unique opener or "pick up line"?
Actually, I do like that as an opener. It seems very natural, not contrived at all, it seems like it could be spontaneous, there are different avenues you can go depending on the answer, and it doesn't make you look like a d!ck if it blows up on you.

You might have a point on it being kind of boring, but it's just an opener, it just has to get the conversation started, you can sell yourself or DHV from there.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
In my experience they really don't have opening lines... What they do is just sort of hang around and give you buying signals (positive submissive body language), they will look at you until you look at them and make eye contact and then they smile. That's when you know it's game on.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
mangotot said:
What about if they ask you for directions?
Directions or erections?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
zekko said:
Actually, I do like that as an opener. It seems very natural, not contrived at all, it seems like it could be spontaneous, there are different avenues you can go depending on the answer, and it doesn't make you look like a d!ck if it blows up on you.
That's what I thought - simply as an opening line it has a lot of positives going for it. I still hear women talking amongst themselves about guys lame opening lines.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
Reaction score
bigneil said:
When ANY of these happen, simply ask "Are you single?" When she says yes, say "Write your number down". If she doesn't or if she hands you a pen and paper and asks for your number, next her.
I never give my number out. I recall a Dutch HB9 flirting and talking with me in a bar. Gawd did I want some of that. She wouldn't give me her number and asked for mine. Dutch women are pushy in general. I told her I didn't give my number to women and that was my place to get hers.

As I left I heard her talking outside with her friend, stunned that I hadn't pursued her more. No score but I could see the smoke pouring off her hamster wheel!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
A couple pickup lines I've gotten multiple times are
"Are you mixed?" and "Wanna share my umbrella?" -- seems those can be turned around and used pretty easily on girls


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
I got some
"Are you mixed?"
"What nationality are you?"
"you look familiar"
"what high school did you go to?"
"you look like a cute version of drake"
"you look like my cousin"
"Can I use your phone?"

Got more can't remember them all