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  1. C

    Reddit post: As a guy, I wanted to know what it was like to be a woman on a dating site, so I set up a fake profile ...

    This is the reason why women are so picky in the first place which then causes even more men to act like this. Which then makes women even picker.
  2. C

    Even ugly NHL players get hottest girls

    Status > Looks > Money
  3. C

    The power of instagram!

    Sorry to break it to you, but there were a thousand guys with audacity just like you in her DMs. She chose you because she liked what she saw.
  4. C

    Social media - Instagram

    Here's a post I made in a similar thread: If you're physically attractive, you have nothing to worry about. Some women will even message you first. But if you're anything below 8/10, forget it. Here are some tips: 1. Go after women with similar backgrounds. Put your job, school, city etc in...
  5. C

    No, Chads don't fail miserably on OLD.

    GFella made a thread asking a loaded question and somehow you all fell for it. OLD experiments is how to term "Chad" even began.
  6. C

    Even Chad fails miserably on OLD.

    OP is really good at manipulating you guys. How have you all forgotten the plethora of OLD experiments made online over the years? Some of the experiments were even using the name Chad and were still getting women.
  7. C

    Even Chad fails miserably on OLD.

    Tf are you talking about, op? There are countless examples of "Chads" succceeding on OLD That's how the term "Chad" started in the first place.
  8. C

    Anyone find direct game less effective?

    Direct oftentimes comes off as needy. A man with options would never have to do such a thing. Your neediness capital is already spent from just APPROACHING.
  9. C

    If you could, what kind of game advice would you give this man? I don't think there is an answer here.

    These guys would say "He just needs to calibrate and be confident" lol
  10. C

    Do you think that women that marry their rapist are really deep-down accepting the compelling example of the bad boy rapist?

    Are you looking for our approval to rape or something? You're gonna get this forum put on a watch list.
  11. C

    Is dating different for very handsome men?

    And people seem to forget the halo effect. An attractive man doesn't need to do much to convince a woman he's a good guy. He just has to try. An average/ugly man (no difference between ugly and average to women) has to take her on three dates, tell stand up level jokes, make a promise of...
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    Another split up

    Women don't like being single. She's weighing her options. The moment something better comes along she'll drop you.
  13. C

    Is dating different for very handsome men?

    Yeah, it's more that beauty is objective, but physical attraction is subjective and affected by culture. I think babies like the beauty of a face.
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    Is dating different for very handsome men?

    Absolute bull****. First you guys say looks don't matter and now you're saying that good looks are worse?
  15. C

    Instagram Game

    If you're physically attractive, you have nothing to worry about. Some women will even message you first. But if you're anything below 8/10, forget it. Here are some tips: 1. Go after women with similar backgrounds. Put your job, school, city etc in your bio and follow the women who share the...
  16. C

    Should we Redpillers help BlackPillers

    You can start by telling us how exactly can you control women's sexual attraction. Give us the step by step.
  17. C

    Game difficulties when you don't have an apartment

    I've ****ed women in the bathroom of a friend's house. If they want you bad enough, they WILL find a way.
  18. C

    Liberal women

    In my experience, women change their political preference to the same one as their man. If she wants you bad enough, she'll even become a neo-nazi for you. I've seen it happen all the time.