Search results

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    What's the deal with guys lovin' huge ass?

    Re: I go for either the classy, beautiful, elegant look...nice legs, nice back, shaply body, nothing extreme, just feminine, b tits, nice bum, looks good in a 2 piece... OR, the extreme....big butts, tiny waists, big boobs and thighs. I don't consider that fat, I consider that FEMININE, as...
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    The Death of Female Sex Drive

    Re: This confirms what I'd already known...the pill is bad business. Here's the pluses: - makes possible the practice of unprotected sex. caveat, if a woman is on antibiotics, it nullifies the Pill. many women forget or don't know this. moreover, the pill doesn't prevent disease, rather...
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    Joining the Military...

    Re: I was like you Ken. I tried entering 3x. All the times they seemed to want me quite badly. The closest I'd gotten was 2004. The recruiter pushed HARD. Made every promise under the sun. I believe he did so b/c I was a degreed recruit, who would be an officer and make him look better. So...
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    Suggestions On Where to Learn to Play Drums

    I've long wanted to learn to play the drums. Living in apartment does not afford me the space or privacy to do so without an immediate eviction. So from any current musicians, what do you suggest on learning and finding a place to play? My brother, a musician of many years, suggested a...
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    Describe the Cutie you Saw Today and Where.

    After the firealarm at my office, I went over to the nearby pizza shop to grab a diet coke. And BEHOLD!!!! In front of me was my '10' with....her bf. (I'd wished it was her brother, but if it was me, I'd have been fondling her then, too). She was probably 19/20, maybe even just 18. C -...
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    Do you guys know what you are attracted to in a woman?

    Re: I'll concur with joek, and add some... I don't think women are the only place men seek god, but since it dominates our time, we want the BEST we can while ENHANCING our lives. I feel where men get into trouble is where they put the CART before the horse: 1) looks and 2) sex. Both...
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    Re: No matter what people say a SYSTEM, MANY of them, exist. Even now, people will tell you what life is. How can people who have not died yet, tell you how to live? How can people tell you how to live when they are not living? And how can someone tell you how to "live" when LIVING is a...
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    The next few years are going to be fun....enjoy the FREE SEX while it lasts!

    Re: Banging around with some other dude's chick is nasty. Attitudes changing or not. Gross. It'd be less gross if he weren't there, but knowing the guy who's cack was up in there is right over thur...freaks me out. And with a cascade of friends divorcing or marrying, I'm not sure it's...
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    The Four Hour Work Week: Book RECO.

    Re: As someone who is self-employed and still searching, I found alot of value in the beginning of the book. What he says for jobs? Well, I will see about that. However, HOW he arranges business, talks about batching, managing a business, in conjuction with the EMYTH, I can't see many other...
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    besides fructose, is there any reason to consume sugar?

    Re: I'm actually giving the anabolic diet a whirl. I bought the book about 2 weeks, grabbed all the sups reco'd from, and the foods necessary. Some of what I'm eating... Lots of egg omlettes w/bacon Muscle milk with Extra Virgin Olive oil Natural PB w/ Cucumbers Leaf Spinach...
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    Blaming Video Games (and other habits) For YOUR Addiction...

    It's one thing if manufacturers ADD some component that causes to act against your will. Then to me, that it's illegal and unethical. There's speculation to suggest additives are found in cigarettes, tv, and food to ADDICT you to, that wouldn't normally cause that to occur. However, do I have...
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    So Seriously Disappointed in My Friends. (Mid 20's and Beyond).

    This has probably been worn through before, and STR8UPs post a bit ago in Gen Dis. covered having a lack of faith and trust in his friends (if i'm correct in my memory). However, I've always had a fairly large swath of friends in tow, with whom I share a variety of interests. I see alot of...
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    New Survey of Sexual Behavior

    Re: Great point RT. I agree wholeheartedly. Women DO want a sexual creature of unbridled energy and temptation, yet to be OUR slut. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The rest of it? Who cares as joe said? We're so consumed with life's BAD, we're never focusing on and creating the GOOD...
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    women and porn

    Re: Probably the grand desire to be thought of as SOMEONE and famous? And yes, I see alot of porn. Makes me wonder wtf all the women are. Some island? Some castle? The ghetto? I have to believe alot of it is doctored pictures of the same girl made to look older or younger. Also, I believe a...
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    Pacman Jones

    Re: He was a problem before he entered the NFL. I knew of all players he wouldn't, and can't, change. His actions are the worst of any players. Worse than TO. Worse than MOSS. Drunk driving? Yes, you could kill someone, but it isn't close to what PacMan has done and what is coming. Even...
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    The Four Hour Work Week: Book RECO.

    Re: Tim's attitude throughout the whole book is perfect, IMO, for a young guy starting out, seeking direction to arrange their lives and live by a philosophy of work/play balance. I'm finding that much of our generation 21-30ish, are finding the excessive work, no play, save til retirement...
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    The Four Hour Work Week: Book RECO.

    At first glance you think, "you've got to be kidding me, anybody working SO few hours can't be doing anything, making any money, or enjoying life, right?" At least that was my reaction. But after wading through about half the book on my home from Mount Washington, it totally flipped my thinking...
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    No Patience for FreakOut Artists or DramaWusses.

    Probably a rant, but whatever. Why is it people have the mental fortitude of a 4 year old? If they don't get their way, they freak out? And if you don't respond to them in the way they expect or need, they freak out more? And when they vomit up their ills, they don't want solutions or tough...
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    Younger man/ older woman reality show….WTF???

    Re: Dunno, watched this show with my 23 yo gf and I have to say, MOST of the older ladies were FAR better than the younger ones. That is just my opinion but a few things I noticed... 1) I couldn't stand the attitude of the 20-somethings. Totally turned me off. Something about the immaturity...
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    "Man Vs Nature." Something Noticed About Diet.

    So my brother introduced me to Man vs. Nature on father's day...and it brought up this post, and a few other bits of info behind it. For those that can't or haven't seen it, they drop this survival expert in different parts of the wild world and he shows people how to survive the grueling...