Great point RT. I agree wholeheartedly. Women DO want a sexual creature of unbridled energy and temptation, yet to be OUR slut.
The rest of it?
Who cares as joe said?
We're so consumed with life's BAD, we're never focusing on and creating the GOOD. And when we create good it's always in response to BAD. That's why I don't get "reports". They tell you one skewed side of reality. To me, if it's not 100%, it doesn't exist. It exists SOME of the time, and some of the time it doesn't. But people want to make their interests your reality. In a way, it gives them power. You step into their world. They have the power. They feel GOOD.
Sure, you can be spending time reporting on what might be, but in the end, in a day, a week, a month, or years, you won't remember it. Today, we sow the seeds of tomorrow's future, be it good or bad. Get the report, get the information and go "Ok yeah, but I'm working on X, Y, Z because it's good I won't be deterred." Websites like Godlikeproductions portend the Sky is falling, and to them it is, but they don't do anything about their world to make it good or bad while it exists. Religions would have you be ALL LOVE POWER, regardless. If it isn't ALWAYS love, pure love power, then it isn't love, and it's only pure power love IN RESPONSE to something. So is it love? Does it exist? Or is it merely a chemical reaction?
I think that's why people get into trouble in religion. We have a view point that God isn't here, or we're not God, or of God. But if God is everything, and he/it/she/something is an INTELLIGENT CREATOR, then it has to be 100% of the time, or it IS NOT ANYTHING. It can't blink in and out of existence. It can't be impure, if it's the ONLY thing that does exist. Everything can't be said to EXIST if it's temporary right? I mean...a problem isn't forever. It's very solvable, otherwise it would be death. And death isn't a problem, though. Because is inevitable. Its only a problem when/if you're not LIVING, then no death occurs.
I've gotten off the path, though. I just wonder why we care about all this information. There's too much. And unless we're acting on it, who cares? Hearing it takes up more neurons. It isn't changing the world. Or anyone's reality. The naysayers and chicken littles cling to it, but it rarely comes to pass. Even here, who cares about stats on women? You only need to find the WOMAN/WOMEN you want. Who cares if girls at the club you went to are slutty? Tomorrow night they may not be. I've met alot of NON slutty girls who buck conventional thinking here. Isn't that life. TRUE DIVERSITY means we can find WHATEVER we want. But if we try to MOLD together under few ideals, then we will NEVER find what we want because we won't have choices. There will be like 10 flavors as opposed to 1000 flavors. The world has that option, but its dwindling, because people want to belong, and markets want more tightnit groups to sell to. Individuality is being you, period, without any prior thinking or motivation as to what you did. Trying to be INDIVIDUAL just puts you in that group of social outcasts and misfits who try NOT to belong by BELONGING to the NOTBELONGERS. You end belonging by the very nature of your common beliefs and subsequent actions.
Just do it...and that's you.
PS I bet on a biological level women are banging alot b/c they want kids, marriage, and pregnancy. Their talk is well thought out, but very often they never think things out. How can they when they are 99% feelings...and want to be RESPECTED for having so many feelings? That's what women will defend. Not thoughts, but feelings. She'll defend that right. So Im willing to bet women are giving in more now than ever to their biological imperative. Plus, consider women are marrying later, past an age we consider THEIR prime, and you have a recipe for ALOT of horny 20 somethings, banging, not b/c society says so, but because their homornes/genetics say so. Men bang for pleasure...but behind that they're thinking "Oh snap, how dis girl doesn't get prego, I don't have or want to give economic resources to provide, yet." While woman's thinking "I have to get prego soon, it won't be any easier as I get older, and each year is a lost chance." Consider her ENGINE starts at what...12,13,14??? It must reach critical mass in her 20's. Whereas a guy has his Testosterone a few years later, but doesn't get the RESOURCES to provide until his late 20's, and 30's and beyond.