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  1. R

    How to Reinvent Yourself in 6 Weeks

    Fellow DJ's, the following might be helpful to those of us thinking we need to re-program who we are, how we look, the friends we keep and other aspects of our lives that don't seem to be working for us. Note it is in two parts, including the post below. The original web address is shown...
  2. R

    The Key to Success With Girls

    This post is partially true in that deception is key and incredibly what most people want. Notice a big movie out now "Catch Me if you Can", with Leonardo DiCaprio playing the part of a real-life flim flam man. Women love it. There is a way to accomplish most of this and still remain moral...
  3. R

    Questions for Sir Chancelot and all

    In the 'dating' world there are things you definitely do NOT do to get a girl, obvious things like not bathe, have bad teeth, hit on her little sister (or brother) and the like. Definite turnoffs to 99% of the women out there. There are also things you should definitely DO to get a girl...
  4. R

    Finding your identity

    A PhD graduate assistant I was dating many moons ago gave me the bona-fide ($$$) version of the Meyers-Briggs test and I came out to be INTJ. I later took the free online version of the Kiersey Temperament Sorter and ended up with the same result. Kiersey called my type "The Mastermind"...
  5. R

    Finding your identity

    You might first want to take a bonafide personality test, such as the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator or the Enneagram Indicator. Both are available online for free at various sources so do a search. Knowing what basic personality you have will form a good foundation. I am "INTJ" (Meyers-Briggs)...
  6. R

    Knowing and Doing are two different things

    "Just be yourself" is what you should do but only AFTER you internalize the DJ principles to the point that they ARE "you". It is one thing to be the same old you but with a few new techniques. It is another to have the techniques ingrained to the point that they have made the old you "new"...