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  1. K

    Ketostix is banned.

    Iqqi should be banned instead as should Tacky Taco. "Looking around, it seems that alot of ppl are getting the ban hammer. I'm curious of the violation though." There were no real violations. Just favoritism or selective enforcement as is the case on other horribly run message boards.
  2. K

    This game is all about looks. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise...

    "Remember you can fix y our body and get a 6 pack but if your face is ugly girls aren't going to give you the time of day." Vin Diesel, the guy Christina Augilera is married to and Kevin Federline are all proof that you are wrong. Just another stupid troll thread brought to us by the...
  3. K

    Another AFC throws his life away having dedicated it to one woman...

    Yes, an AFC can get laid like Hugh Heffner and still be an AFC. What makes a Don Juan ie DJ is how a man interacts with women. A DJ doesn't make a woman or her approval of him his entire world. A woman to a DJ is simply a nice side compliment to his life. Not his ENTIRE life as the...
  4. K

    Have you guys heard of True Forced Lonliness? What a crock of BS.

    Dwayne and Bill are very specific about wanting to go about things in a moral way to get women. They don't want to play games or manipulate anyone and thats fine. Well in that case Dwayne should start PMing Interceptor here. Interceptor is who Dwayne needs to talk to and learn from. I'm...
  5. K

    Another AFC throws his life away having dedicated it to one woman... Makes me think of this Robert Frost quote... "A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes." You succeeded DJ AM where Owen Wilson failed but ultimately the only thing you accomplished was giving...
  6. K

    Need some advice

    Don't sh!t where you eat. You have been warned. Should you decide to continue this which you probably will likely due to having no other options the best thing you can do is simply skirt around her whinings for a relationship and make sure you never promise her anything or agree to any of...
  7. K

    Wow, so I hooked up with girl who plays Call of Duty 4 in college

    Nice. :up: She's a real piece of ass. :yes:
  8. K

    The official Borderline Personality Disorder thread [Merged]

    "Is this normal? Or is it inevitable that she will come back to try and hoover me in again after hurting her that badly?" Its normal. She's paying you back in childish childlike fashion for your perceived slight of her. She will hoover you eventually as long as she is not completely...
  9. K

    Is she hot or what

    She's hot like whoa! :nervous: :yes: 9/10
  10. K

    Darius Rucker

    Hootie is a great band and coming from someone like me whose never been much into country music thats saying a lot. :up:
  11. K

    The official Borderline Personality Disorder thread [Merged]

    "Actually, no, that 1-2% is the percentage of people OVERALL that are estimated to have BPD. Look it up." Estimates are not accurate and you can't trust Wikipedia/various online sites about these people like you can trust a copy of the DSM among other professional research manuals I have in...
  12. K

    How do you deal with meeting your ex's new guy?

    "yet the very fact that they still have feelings associated with it means they're not over it." The point I was making is that the phrase "The opposite of love isn't hate, its indifference" does not apply in all circumstances. It applies for a child hating their parents for not getting...
  13. K

    Inspiring songs to start your day? Triarii- Heaven and Hell Triarii- Ode to the Sun
  14. K

    The official Borderline Personality Disorder thread [Merged]

    "One thing we should all keep in mind that BPD individuals only account for between 1 and 2 percent of the population... at least as far as the qualify under the "official" designation of having 5 out of 9 symptoms. That's not very much, people, so we can't go about labelling every...
  15. K

    This guy's type of girl

    Well the guy could be extremely narcissistic. My uncle is that way and doesn't like anyone taking my aunt's time away from him not even her sister (ie my mom). Narcissists view themselves as gods or godlike and no non god can impose on their desires and wants without retribution be it a...
  16. K

    Coke and American women.............

    "I have some legal stuff (benzo's) that will quadruple your alcohol buzz, but for some reason they don't have the pu$$y drawing power that the illegal stuff does" Doesn't have the same thrill of danger chicks need that an illegal and thus naughty substance does. :yes:
  17. K

    This guy's type of girl

    As Rollo might say "every man wants a wh0re, its just that he wants her to be HIS wh0re" and no one else's. The desire for b!tchiness to everyone else but him is a hidden desire to get a chick who has a personality that is anti "guy friends" and I can't blame your buddy for that if he's trying...
  18. K

    What motivates you?

    "I'm seriously considering this, but it would mean taking a fairly substantial (ei: like half!) pay cut compared to my normal job." Well if you're financially secure already the question comes down to what will ultimately bring you a greater personal reward? 1. Literally saving peoples lives...
  19. K

    What motivates you?

    Well you could always become a personal trainer. That way the motivation will always be there to be in shape as you'll have to be for your clients to take you seriously. :yes:
  20. K

    The official Borderline Personality Disorder thread [Merged]

    "I don't think they're deliberately evil or manipulative, they just can't help it." This is a common misconception among well meaning individuals who have a lot of faith in humanity. The truth is far more grim. Al Bernstein a psychologist expert of the Cluster B personality disorders and...