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    'It's not a woman's job to make her man feel special'

    This is precisely the reason so many guys are gravitating to Asian women. I think we have a situation where women have been indoctrinated to behave in this way.
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    Whew! Been a While Since I Cold Approached This "Type" of Woman on the Street

    I would say with so much obesity there is a growing acceptance of thicker looking women and people tend to be viewing what was once viewed as chunky as desireable. Most of the women in these pics probably could be called voluptuous at best. I wouldn't say that is a gym look for a women by any...
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    looks vs game

    I would say they were pretty even in looks the difference being one was of Middle Eastern origin which I would imagine comes with a number of complications in the states. The young guy was probably experiencing fools mate, while the other guys was well versed in Mystery and Style's material. He...
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    Are There Two Types of Alpha Males. Ego vs Egoless Alpha??

    There is a book called "The Way of the Superior Man" by David Deida which is pretty much on the button on this topic.
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    Bachelor Life

    The music in this clip maybe a little lame, the book is seriously legit and worth a read.
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    Do you think ugly women tend to be poorer?

    The Kardashians know how to enhance their appearances and today more than ever before is it becoming more easy for women who are relatively plain, to do this. Smart girls who go to the right makeup school can be stunners when it suits them, other things like spraytans and the right kind of...
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    uglos trying to pick you up

    The difference in genders is that males kind of act within their boundaries, many women today won't really care. If you were to compare overweight or uglo females to their male counterparts, particularly in a bar scenario you would see a marked difference in entitlement. Men possibly have a...
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    What appearance change increased the attention you got from women the most?

    Interesting thread, shame it has turned into a ****storm. I have always believed that taking care of yourself should be something you do to make yourself feel good, its not a competition, although a lot of people do get threatened by it. A number of small enhancements can however, for...
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    Men turning into women?

    I don't mind the whole "metrosexual" thing to be honest, I am guilty of it myself. What does make me cringe is the effeminate mannerisms of modern young men, it is now difficult to tell the difference between gay and straight. I also notised a lot of young women have become very masculine in...
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    Men turning into women?

    Yes there is certainly that trend happening from what I have notised over recent years. Even guys who are fairly alpha have one or two metrosexual traits, tanning, manscaping that is probably seen as pretty acceptable. What you are starting to see particularly in Anglo countries is possibly a...
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    "Vitality are you on steroids?"

    I think he was probably giving a number of guys a big ego boost. One or two guys may have used gear or pro-hormones at some stage. Judging by the where he was shooting it looked like it was probably a pretty descent gym.
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    "Vitality are you on steroids?"
  13. 0

    I'm noticing something with women in the 30-35 bracket...

    I think we are entering a time where remaining attractive becomes a choice, more than anything. Provided a women hasn't become obese, various products have the ability to keep a good percentage of women looking good into their later years. Realistically I can see products and procedures (not...
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    Does Roosh relised he missed the prime

    Style and Mystery are certainly not in their twenties and so are many more. Today's generation of young men are so ***** whipped and emasculated, it is rather ridiculous to assume it is all over for men once they hit 30. If anything it is probably a golden era for older guys, especially ones...
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    Then what is it that men actually want to see women wearing?

    Heels, dress, something form fitting or figure hugging. Stockings, tights instead of barelegged women.
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    Men Going Their Own Way

    "Men on strike" appears to be a the bible of MTGTOW, as Pua is recognised on some level by most people, mainstream attention is eventually recognising this trend. Can see a whole new genre of books and much more stuff coming out on this.
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    "Kim Kardashian"

    Just saw her stats and notised she is around 64kg at 1.59 cm, still very hot. One thing I have notised in recent years are a growing acceptance of curvier girls, I am in no ways endorcing fat acceptance, I don't mind seeing women who are around Kim's stats.
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    "Kim Kardashian"
  19. 0

    Look who contacted me @ BookOfMatches - I think I'm going to puke

    Sounds like they want Brad Pitt, are only dishing up Roseanne Bar.
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    Haven't FAP for 6+ months.

    Yeah I have practised no fap and done the 90 day challenge, it make you feel great and there is something to it. In all honestly it can't be good to suppress one's libido. If you are single and can rub out 3 per day, it means you are healthy.