MGTOW means Men Going Their Own Way
MGTOW is basically the statement of self-ownership and saying that only you have the right to decide what your goals in life should be.
It is saying that, as a man I will not surrender my will to the social expectations of women and society, because both have become hostile against masculinity.
One can argue that gynocentrism is and always has been the main religion that rules mankind.
In that sense MGTOW is a lot like atheism. Like atheism, MGTOW is not the positive claim about some kind of solution or alternative. It is the statement, that no matter how popular or old the ruling gynocentrism religion is, I do not accept it.
Identifying yourself as MGTOW is not something that in any way limits your options in life. In fact the opposite is true.
If it is your own real will, you can still do all the things that society expects from you. Being MGTOW just adds all the other possibilities to your options too.
You do not have to ignore women. If you want you can be a pick up artist who gets more a** than a toilet seat, you can avoid relationships with women or you can marry your high school sweetheart and have three kids. You can do whatever you want.
As long as you believe that your own happiness and interests are more important than social expectations and you make your decisions based on that, you can consider yourself as one of the MGTOW.
Men deserve to live for themselves. There is no need to live as a free servant for someone else because of your gender. The slave days of traditional gender roles are over. Keep your right to decide for yourself and let others do the same, whatever their decisions might be. Live for yourself and let others do the same.
Throughout history most of the great art, music, science, literature, mathematics and technology was produced by guys who would today be classed as MGTOW.
In Japan 60% of Men under the age of 40 describe themselves as "Herbivores" or Grass eaters, which is one version of MGTOW.
lots of good information. also Dr hellen smith just published a new book called MEN ON STRIKE
MGTOW means Men Going Their Own Way
MGTOW is basically the statement of self-ownership and saying that only you have the right to decide what your goals in life should be.
It is saying that, as a man I will not surrender my will to the social expectations of women and society, because both have become hostile against masculinity.
One can argue that gynocentrism is and always has been the main religion that rules mankind.
In that sense MGTOW is a lot like atheism. Like atheism, MGTOW is not the positive claim about some kind of solution or alternative. It is the statement, that no matter how popular or old the ruling gynocentrism religion is, I do not accept it.
Identifying yourself as MGTOW is not something that in any way limits your options in life. In fact the opposite is true.
If it is your own real will, you can still do all the things that society expects from you. Being MGTOW just adds all the other possibilities to your options too.
You do not have to ignore women. If you want you can be a pick up artist who gets more a** than a toilet seat, you can avoid relationships with women or you can marry your high school sweetheart and have three kids. You can do whatever you want.
As long as you believe that your own happiness and interests are more important than social expectations and you make your decisions based on that, you can consider yourself as one of the MGTOW.
Men deserve to live for themselves. There is no need to live as a free servant for someone else because of your gender. The slave days of traditional gender roles are over. Keep your right to decide for yourself and let others do the same, whatever their decisions might be. Live for yourself and let others do the same.
Throughout history most of the great art, music, science, literature, mathematics and technology was produced by guys who would today be classed as MGTOW.
In Japan 60% of Men under the age of 40 describe themselves as "Herbivores" or Grass eaters, which is one version of MGTOW.
lots of good information. also Dr hellen smith just published a new book called MEN ON STRIKE