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  1. S

    Would a girl I met once 2 years ago remember me?

    OP, don't worry about whether she remembers you or not. It is a very simple solution: your response would be you DON'T remember her. Make her validate herself and chase you. Not remembering her means she did not stand out to you; you will engage her hamster wheel which will work out in your...
  2. S

    Don't go out actively seeking the girl of your dreams--you will probably meet her when not expecting it

    Guy C ) There to focus on his shopping list, but has the balls to try and interact with cute girls that happen to be around him while he's shopping. We aren't women; shooting your shot by smiling won't cut it. We are men; men take the lead and approach. Therefore don't just be Guy B...
  3. S

    Hand Job MILF Ghosted - Victory?

    OP, what does trying to figure out why she ghosted you accomplish? Absolutely nothing. However, the more you text her trying to find out, the less chance you have of anything continuing with her later on. Count this plate as gone, but do as you've been over the past year, which is texting her...
  4. S

    Lying woman......

    OP, first off, you handled it as best you could with the information provided. And just like a woman, her first reaction was to try and flip the script on you. Good job on holding your ground and keeping her accountable. However, always remember, even when women are caught, they will lie. A...
  5. S

    I'm not handling things well

    OP, let's be realistic. She doesn't love you. You've known her for 2 months. She doesn't love you. It's 2 months and she's already pulling back and **** testing you. She doesn't love you. Sorry OP, I don't mean to sound harsh, but I want you to know the reality of things. It takes a lot...
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    Pentagon Orders Troop Vaccinations for Covid-19

    There may not be a lot of our military that separate directly because of this one item, but will separate because this mandate shows how far gone our leaders are. It is no longer the military that some of us chose to join. This new military is soft, woke, and not intimidating. This is why we...
  7. S

    My friend is a cuck

    In my experience OP, men who are not looking to become RP aware, will resent anyone who tries to place some RP knowledge on them. This is even more so when they are in a relationship. If you try to give your friend advice, he will come to resent you and ultimately blame you for anything bad...
  8. S

    My biggest question about Hypergamy

    OP, I don't understand how this observation is about hypergamy. If you're talking about why celebrities and high-value guys are DMing random women, it's to have sex. Bottom line. Drake is not trying to wife up your 6/7 friend; he's trying to Fvck them. That has nothing to do with a woman's...
  9. S

    My story from rec. path to alpha again to beta **** place

    OP, a couple pieces of advice. I know you don't like the "cliches" you've been hearing about working on yourself, but they are true to the core. Here are some specific steps on how to do that: 1. Every time you feel lazy and wanting to stay in, force yourself to get up and go out for a walk...
  10. S

    Blocked by this girl after I tell her calmly I think we on different journeys and good luck

    OP, my above post has some very rudimentary, but also very useful guidelines that I adhere to even now: 1. Limit your conversation before you actually meet in person; but if you need to do so with the below advice in mind. 2. Ask questions about her; women love talking about themselves and...
  11. S

    Blocked by this girl after I tell her calmly I think we on different journeys and good luck

    OP, you are missing the points addressed at the TYPE of conversation you have. Again, no real script, but the things you were saying were not aligned with any advice you've received here. I doubt there is one poster here that has suggested you talk about the girls Ex on the very onset of your...
  12. S

    Blocked by this girl after I tell her calmly I think we on different journeys and good luck

    OP, you are picking and choosing which points to argue. The reason the standard response is to limit your conversation is for the very outcome that occurred here. Most men do not know how to lead a conversation or the topics to converse with. That is why the standard response is to limit...
  13. S

    Blocked by this girl after I tell her calmly I think we on different journeys and good luck

    OP, you converse way too much for someone you've never met. To be blatantly honest, you steered the conversation into a ball of flames. Next time, keep the conversation with women light hearted, not serious, and brief. The date was set well before the conversation was derailed; stop there...
  14. S

    Chick sounds too good to be true

    To add on to this comment, she may not have been in any LTR, however in my experience, these are the same chicks that claim to be Virgins by doing Anal. So yes, no LTRs can easily translate to the loose slut of the group. Her actions of being confident and coming up to you guys, and soliciting...
  15. S

    When your friends compliment your women in your life....

    Don't base your opinion of a woman on another person's views. Most guys are simps, and most female friends have no real inkling when it comes to a healthy relationship from a guy's perspective. The only real opinion that matters is yours, and you should always judge a woman by her actions...
  16. S

    The Confidence Code. The Holy Grail of the Game. The last thing you'll ever need to read about getting laid.

    OP, I know you mean well and had good intentions for your post, and I'm sure there are nuggets of gold speckled in there, however I just could not figure out what your main point was. First it's don't be a beta simp, but also don't be an alpha PUA, then don't be needy, but also don't be...
  17. S

    My Instagram sucks ,should I message girl anyway on there that I lost touch with?

    OP, a Man does not look for reasons to NOT approach, but rather merely approaches and moves on with his life. Be it via instagram, in person, etc. Approach, either get rejected or success, then move on accordingly. That is all you can do as a Man.
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    Some opinions needed! Trying to figure out girls behavior

    Parts bolded for emphasis. Do not falter from this rule.
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    How to increase the chances for a second date when I "****ed up" the first date

    This one is done. Your initial interpretation is spot on and she no longer has any interest in you. She rejected you already; do not respond.
  20. S

    Indifference vs. Reaction

    I don't think you and I are saying anything different. This one is over; only option is to object. In the future, the vetting of a hoe will fall in line with the vetting of a woman who continuously disrespects OP.