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  1. S

    a quick realization about MYSPACE

    damn ruckus, i should try that cute girl fake profile idea....i personally dont know how much good looking girls get hammered with messages on myspace, i deff would like to find out!
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    IMPORTANT!! Do we ACTUALLY need SoSuave?

    ive had plenty of sex with girls over fact my last 2 were hb9+ and they were both 21 - only sex tho, nto relationships, because they are not relationship material at alllllllllll
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    Become Addicted To Sarging And Enjoy Life

    i most likely know the answer to this alraedy, but is the best way to get addicted to sarging is to simply do it alot like crazy????
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    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    l777 - every single one of UR threads follows thsi formula: 1) I am british 2) I do not like your american ways 3) you suck skip, so im gonna flame u as always 4) know any good dentists??? seriously l77, SHUT UP, and STOP REPLYING TO ANY OF MY THREADS, YOU DO NOT ADD VALUE
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    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    yake - most definitely being hot in most hot women's eyes, AND having high status, AND having a great personality will make u THE most desirable.......but take looks away and u wont do as well. However, one can get by on simply bein ****in hot as hell without much else, which is why i say...
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    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    most of u havent read my thread.......the examples i provide are perfect examples to prove my theory!! what kinda naive guys are u really/?? also, "horny myspace sluts" are the same horny girls u see on the street cuz EVERYONE HAS A MYSPACE ANYWAY also, when YOU say u see an ugly guy with...
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    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    DOCS - id say realistically, prob 10% of guys (most are hot) end up fckin 90% of the hottest girls.......the other 10% of hot girls get fcked by ugly celebrities, millionaires, and as insanity said - musicians (but musicians are very hard to explain) i have been to a live band show, and YES i...
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    Online Adult Personal Ad.

    how bout u learn how to not be a geek, that usually helps
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    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    YES YES YES GUYS........if u are good looking, then u better not ****in lock urself at home and nto ALL MEANS, get ****in hot as u possibly can, then GO AND PLAY THE NUMBERS GAME - approach, attack, fvck that pvssy, make girls fall in love with u looks are VERY USELESS if...
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    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    oh let me provide negative examples about me too: There have been many a time that I would set up dates with girls that would basically crash and matter how funny i was, how witty, how this how that, the bottom line always ended up being that I WAS NOT HOT ENOUGH IN THOSE GIRLS...
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    Looks are more important than you think! Merged [Official thread]

    LOOKS are the ONLY thing that matters!!! Okay, look, this post marks the end of the looks debate. Period. LOOKS MATTER MORE THAN ANYTHING IN EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF WOMEN. Looks are not just important, but they are 90% of what gets you laid, what gets you a LTR, and also LACK of looks is...
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    Stop making women out to be so smart.

    hey god, watch for my next thread, u better help me push the looks issue cuz im bout to make THE MOST CONTREVERSIAL THREAD SOSUAVE HAS EVER SEEN
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    Stop making women out to be so smart.

    DJInTraining06 - i HATE how you post so many stupidass threads BUT i love your thread right here ALOT. guess what buddy? it IS all about looks. If a girl thinks you are hot/handsome/sexy/really cute, then u can do very little wrong the opposite is for my thread...
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    Went to my ex gfs house tonite, after her date with her "boy friend".

    lol i feel bad for her bf!!! shes been with him for 3 days, yet she ****ed u 2 days ago and yesterday she sucked ur ****???? wow her BF is the bigger AFC here guys - he said he loves her after 3 days!! at least DonDan had a 1 year relationship with her, making it more ok to say and believe he...