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    My Porn Theory

    Fan of red foreskin is saying porn is bad? Loool
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    How many have you laid?

    Zero ! Sex is overrated
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    other men are jellous of my success with women and they try to ruin me

    no, if it had more gangster vibes then they would be sniffing flowers from underneath
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    People touching my head

    now i wanna rub OP's head too, his social proof too high
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    The storm is coming fellas: Cratered SMV = invisibility

    who cares they are invisible if they lived dreamlife or easy life at very least for 30 + yrs
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    How is it possible that there is so many incels

    in 2019 half of men are incels and these who are not r often much 'better' than their women, e.g. education, job, salary
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    People touching my head

    what if hes rubbin yur balls
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    People touching my head

    so he was rubbing your head with his sweaty fingers and you were patiently waiting till he asks you if you are homo?
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    other men are jellous of my success with women and they try to ruin me

    im sure every tinder woman can say the same thing about beta cucks. free food on dates, free gifts, even expensive.. so youre like a woman. are you sure these dudes are not gay
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    other men are jellous of my success with women and they try to ruin me

    no i just found it funny because i wouldnt want beta cucks to worship me so no its not like im jealous cant tell if you are being serious or if its just your joke not being funny
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    other men are jellous of my success with women and they try to ruin me

    im not sure, why are they so jealous ? what can i do towards it
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    my body needs more gangster vibes

    YOU know nothing !
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    Challenging Cognitive Distortions.

    i have a lot of things from that list, or i had, before i stopped caring,partially,now i havess traits from it, but maybe still some
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    Tranny sex? Anyone?

    gays are gross but lesbians are hot
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    Biggoal needs a bigdave cooling off period from SoSuave - JMO

    whos the biggoal? first time hear
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    Restaurant escalation from angry woman...beyond reality

    jfl she said they are sexually abusing her i loled fat women are the first to say that someone is sexually abusing them. its inner mechanism thats supposed to keep them thinking they are pretty. here its gone too far though,she attacks them and says they sexually abuse her
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    Restaurant escalation from angry woman...beyond reality

    so kissing in public is not allowed but calling stranger girls prostitutes is allowed kek
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    my body needs more gangster vibes

    i am the best the problem with us computer nerds is that computer usage seriously dehumanizes us making us give awkward and insecure vibes (even if we are confident) instead of gangster vibes because our brains are in analytical mode and not emotional. Biggest gangsters in the world or...